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   (A Little history of the World),是英国艺术史家恩斯特·贡布里希(E. H. Gombrich)写给儿童的一本通俗历史读物。该书集知识性与趣味性于一体, 语言通俗易懂、生动有趣。全书总共不到20万字, 却为读者展示了5000年的世界风貌

  • 世界小史 第122期:撤离埃及 Before he left Egypt to continue his campaign, he founded a new city by the sea and named it after himself: Alexandria. 在他撤离埃及继续作战之前,他在海边建立了一座城市并按他自己的名字命名:亚历山大。 It is sti
  • 世界小史 第123期:心满意足 Alexander punished the assassins. 亚历山大惩罚了杀人凶手。 Now he was king of the whole of Persia. 他现在是全波斯的国王。 Greece, Egypt, Phoenicia, Palestine, Babylonia, Assyria, Asia Minor and Persia all these were now part of
  • 世界小史 第124期:忏悔者 But the Indians did not submit to him willingly. 但是印度人并没有自愿臣服于他。 The hermits and penitents in the forests denounced the conquerors from the distant West in their sermons. 森林里的忏悔者们和遁世修行者们都纷
  • 世界小史 第125期:亚历山大 What do you want of me? asked Alexander. Only that you treat me as befits a king. 你对我有什么要求?亚历山大问。我要你像对待君王那样对待我。 And that is all? That is all, came the reply, there is no more to be said. 没有别
  • 世界小史 第126期:原路返回 Of course it would have been far the simplest thing to do, since those regions had already been conquered. 当然原路返回要省事得多,因为沿路各地区都已被占领。 But Alexander wanted new sights and new conquests. 但是亚历山大
  • 世界小史 第127期:盾牌 His men shouted to him to jump back down. 士兵们向他大声喊叫,要他赶快跳回来。 Instead he leapt straight into the city and, with his back to the ramparts, defended himself with his shield against overwhelming odds. 但是他却一跃直
  • 世界小史 第128期:下跪 Anyone who came into his presence had to fall on their knees before him and speak to him as if he were a god. 任何人来到他的面前必须向他下跪并仿佛他真的是一个神似的同他讲话。 And in the manner of Oriental kings he had
  • 世界小史 第129期:亚历山大 Alexander never realized his great ambition of mingling the two peoples, 亚历山大的融合两个民族的伟大事业怎么也成功不了,亚历山大的融合两个民族的伟大事业怎么也成功不了, even though he handed out rich d
  • 世界小史 第130期:多里安人和伊安尼尔人 Egypt was then governed by a family of generals the Ptolemies. 接着一个将领家族统治了埃及托勒密王室。 The Seleucids ruled Mesopotamia, and the Attalids Asia Minor. 塞琉古王室统治了美索不达米亚,安提克王室统治了
  • 世界小史 第131期:亚历山大 Alexander only went east. Although 'only' may not be quite the right word! 亚历山大只向东方进军。只当然并非是个正确的词! But the lands that lay to the west of Greece did not tempt him just a couple of Phoenician and Greek colo
  • 世界小史 第132期:罗马城 Romulus, so the myth goes, founded Rome. 这则神话说罗穆卢斯建立了罗马城。 They even had a date for it, 753 BC, and would later count the years from that date as the Greeks did from the Olympiads. 人们甚至说出建城的年代:公元
  • 世界小史 第133期:贵族 These were the patricians the word means something like 'city fathers' although in those days they weren't citizens as we know them, 这些人是patricians(贵族)这个词的意思大致相当于市议员但是你不可以把这个时代的市议员
  • 世界小史 第134期:屈服 Unlike the gentle Indians they didn't willingly submit. 不同于温和的印度人,他们不愿意屈服。 On more than one occasion they threatened to leave the city unless they were treated better and given a share of the fields and pastures wh
  • 世界小史 第135期:繁荣富强 But when they set out to do something, they did it, even if it took 200 years, 但是他们一旦决心要做什么事,他们便总是将其实现,哪怕这要持续2000年, for they were peasants through and through, not restless seafarers lik
  • 世界小史 第136期:对法律的忠诚 There are many old and wonderful stories telling of the love Romans had for their native land and of their faithfulness to its laws. 有许多古老的、美好的故事讲述罗马人的这种对家乡的热爱和他们对法律的忠诚。 Stories