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相关教程: 双语有声阅读
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    我现在不仅每天爬14级台阶, 还尽量给人一些小小的帮助。或许有一天, 我会给一个坐在车里像我一样在心灵上有盲点的人换轮胎。 Fourteen Steps They say a cat has nine lives, and I am inclined1) to think...

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    1996年的情人节。我带着罗玛去参加奥普拉温弗里的节目, 在这个全国性电视节目中我向她表示敬意。我想在数百万观众面前告诉她我心里一直想说的话: 亲爱的, 当我在集中营里非常饥饿时,...

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  • 双语有声阅读:一位真正的医生A real doctor

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  • 双语有声阅读:Bing in love 感受爱

    Bing in love Love starts as an attraction to another. Love grows with mutual respect. Love thrives on confidence and dignity. Love survives on wisdom and honor. New love, stirs the emotions, moves the soul and fires the blood setting hearts aflame. L...

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