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相关教程: 双语有声阅读
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  • 双语有声阅读:每个人,都需要他人的认可

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    Finders Keepers When my daughters reached the third and fourth grades,I occasionally allowed them to walk to and from school alone,if the weather permitted.It was a short distance,so I knew they were safe and no trouble would befall them. O...

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  • 双语有声阅读:给,那些不被回忆记住的人

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  • 双语有声阅读:Friends-友谊长存

    Friends Twenty-one years ago, my husband gave me Sam, an eight-week-old schnauzer1), to help ease the loss of our daughter. Sam and I developed a very special bond over the next fourteen years. It seemed nothing that happened could ever change that...

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    【英文原文】 Becky and the wolf With all her big brothers and sisters off to school, our ranch became a lonely place for our three-year-old daughter, Becky. She longed for playmates. We promised to buy her a puppy but in the meantime, pretendpu...

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    8个月后, 邦妮再一次从俄怀明来到我们医院。这回, 与她同行的是头新养的健康小狗克莱德-一条9个月、充满活力与爱心的、与谍犬混种的猎狗。邦妮的生活又掀开了新的一页。 Soul to Soul I...

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  • 双语有声阅读:幸运的鸡咕咕

    The Woman Who Took Chickens Under Her Wing Minnie Blumfield never lost her enthusiasm. She believed that with age came courage, vision and a true appreciation of life--all life. Thats why, at the age of eighty-six, Minnie became the sole caretaker of...

  • 双语有声阅读:我全部的梦

    All I ever dream Back when I was a child, before life removed all the innocence, my father would lift me high and dance with my mother and me and then Spin me around till I fell asleep.Then up the stairs he would carry me and I knew for sure I was lo...
