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相关教程: 双语有声阅读
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    When Dad played his fiddle, the world became a bright star. To him violin was an instrument of faith, hope and charity. At least a thousand times, my mother said, Your papa would play his fiddle if the world was about to blow up. 每当爸爸拉起小提...

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  • 【双语有声阅读】胶靴颂 Ode to My Sturdy Rubber Boots

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  • 【双语有声阅读】我要为你画一道彩虹

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    我相信人类。 我相信热诚的心。 我相信人们的正直与诚实。 我相信自由社会中的美德。 我相信只要我们愿意为之奋斗,愿意与所存在的缺陷抗争到底,这个社会就能永远美好。 Free Minds and...

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  • 【双语有声阅读】貌似悖论的戒律

    好些人以为这首诗是德兰修女写的,其实是Kent M. Keith 在 1968年写的。几十年来这首诗在世界各地流传。人们把它挂在墙上,贴在冰箱上。许多的文章,讲词都引用它,网上也在流传。它对每个...
