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英语听力:听电影学英语-大鱼 07

时间:2011-10-14 03:22来源:互联网 提供网友:helloella   字体: [ ]

  [00:01.42]These woods would become my graveyard1. 这片树林即将变成我的坟场
[00:07.38]As difficult as it was to reach Spectre, I was fated to get there eventually. 我注定死亡的命运 跟到丰都一样艰难
[00:09.66]After all, no man can avoid reaching the end of his life. 毕竟没人能躲避死神的召唤
[00:27.86]And then I realized this wasn't the end of my life. 接着我想到,这不是我的死期
[00:33.62]This isn't how I die. 我不是这么死的
[00:52.54]Friend. 朋友
[00:55.54]- What happened to your shoes? - They kind of got ahead of me. -你的鞋哪去了? -它们先我一步到目的地去了
[01:15.98]I don't know if you saw it, but Josephine had some photos... 不知道你们有没有看过…
[01:19.78]...in the most recent Newsweek. 《新闻周刊》登了乔瑟芬的照片
[01:24.22]Really? 真的?
[01:24.86]That's just wonderful. 太棒了
[01:28.54]I spent a week in Morocco for the story. It was incredible. 我在摩洛哥为报导拍照 那里真的很棒
[01:32.26]Oh. We'll have to pick up a copy. 我们该去买一本
[01:46.50]I don't know if you're aware of this, Josephine... 乔瑟芬,不知道你知不知道…
[01:51.66]...but African parrots, in their native Congo, they speak only French. 非洲鹦鹉在他们的刚果家乡 只说法文
[01:58.74]Really? 真的?
[02:00.22]You're lucky to get four words out of them in English. 能听到他们讲英文算你走运
[02:02.10]But if you were to walk through the jungle... 但如果你穿越森林…
[02:05.38]...you'd hear them speaking the most elaborate French. 你会听见他们讲流利的法文
[02:10.98]Those parrots talk about everything. Politics, movies, fashion. 这些鹦鹉什么都谈 政治、电影、时尚
[02:17.22]Everything but religion. 就是不谈宗教
[02:20.42]Why not religion, Dad? 为什么不谈宗教?
[02:22.58]It's rude to talk about religion. You never know who you're gonna offend. 谈宗教很没礼貌 你不知道可能会冒犯到谁
[02:32.62]Josephine actually went to the Congo last year. 乔瑟芬去年到过刚果
[02:36.98]Oh, so you know. 那你知道啰
[02:53.82]Hello. 你好啊
[02:58.26]Hi. How are you feeling? 你感觉如何?
[02:59.58]Oh, I was dreaming. 我刚刚在作梦
[03:03.06]What were you dreaming about? 你梦到什么?
[03:08.34]Oh, I don't usually remember... 我通常不会记得…
[03:12.18]...unless they're especially portentous2. Do you know what that word means? 除非梦境特别凶 你知道那个字的意思吧?
[03:15.70]It means when you dream about something that's gonna happen. 就是你梦见即将发生的事
[03:19.22]Like one night, I had a dream... 就像有一天,我梦到…
[03:20.86]...where this crow came and said: 有只乌鸦飞来跟我说:
[03:25.62]"Your aunt is gonna die." “你阿姨快死了”
[03:31.30]I was so scared, I woke up my parents... 我吓坏了 我叫醒我爸妈…
[03:32.94]...but they said it was just a dream and to get back to bed. 他们说那只是个梦就回去睡了
[03:38.54]But the next morning, my Aunt Stacy was dead. 但是第二天 我史黛阿姨过世了
[03:42.02]That's terrible. 真可怕
[03:44.58]Terrible for her, but think about me, young boy with that kind of power. 对她来说很可怕,但是想想我 一个拥有超能力的男孩
[03:49.38]Wasn't three weeks later when the crow came back to me in a dream... 不到三周之后 那乌鸦又出现在我梦里…
[03:54.02]...and said, "Your daddy's gonna die." 他说:“你爸快死了”
[04:01.18]I didn't know what to do. 我不知道该怎么办
[04:01.90]I finally told my father, but he said: 最后我告诉我爸,他说:
[04:08.26]"Oh, not to worry." But I could see he was rattled3. “不用担心” 但我看得出他惊惶失措
[04:14.30]The next morning, he wasn't himself. 第二天早上,他完全变了个人
[04:17.30]Kept looking around, waiting for something to drop on his head. 他老是四处张望 等着有东西砸向他的脑门
[04:21.38]Because the crow didn't say how it was gonna happen, just those words: 因为那只乌鸦没说他会怎么死 只说了那句话:
[04:27.46]"Your daddy's gonna die." “你爸快死了”
[04:29.82]Well, he left home early and was gone a long time. 他早早就出门 出去了很久一段时间
[04:36.10]When he finally came back, he looked terrible... 等他回来之后,样子狼狈至极…
[04:38.70]...like he was waiting for the ax to fall all day. 好像他整天都在等斧头砍向他
[04:40.94]He said to my mother: 他跟我妈说:
[04:42.66]"I've just had the worst day of my life." “我刚过了这辈子最糟的一天”
[04:49.42]"You think you've had a bad day?" She said. 我妈说:“你以为你过的很糟?”
[04:51.10]"This morning, the milkman dropped dead on the porch." “今天早上 送牛奶的在门口暴毙了”
[04:59.22]Because, see, my mother was banging the milkman. 懂吧,我妈跟送牛奶的有一腿


1 graveyard 9rFztV     
  • All the town was drifting toward the graveyard.全镇的人都象流水似地向那坟场涌过去。
  • Living next to a graveyard would give me the creeps.居住在墓地旁边会使我毛骨悚然。
2 portentous Wiey5     
  • The present aspect of society is portentous of great change.现在的社会预示着重大变革的发生。
  • There was nothing portentous or solemn about him.He was bubbling with humour.他一点也不装腔作势或故作严肃,浑身散发着幽默。
3 rattled b4606e4247aadf3467575ffedf66305b     
  • The truck jolted and rattled over the rough ground. 卡车嘎吱嘎吱地在凹凸不平的地面上颠簸而行。
  • Every time a bus went past, the windows rattled. 每逢公共汽车经过这里,窗户都格格作响。
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