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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>《唐顿庄园》精讲>


  • 《唐顿庄园》精讲144 你真的可以对付我吗?

    Would you like me to ask Branson to bring the car round, my lady? 需我去叫Branson备车吗 夫人 Where's Robert? Robert人呢 He can't have been drinking port since we left. 莫非喝到现在 He'd be under the table by now. 那不得烂醉如泥...

  • 《唐顿庄园》精讲143 孤独的下人

    You shouldn't have eaten with us. 你不应与我们共餐 The chauffeur always eats in his own cottage. 司机都在车库里吃 Steady on. You can cut him a bit of slack on his second day. 算了 才第二天 别为难他 I'm waiting to take old La...

  • 《唐顿庄园》精讲142 老友偶遇

    Yes, it must have been hard for you when Ivy died. Iv死后 你一定过得很辛苦 It took some getting used to. 很长时间才缓过来 What about your son? Do you see much of him? 你儿子怎么样 你们常见面吗 Peter? No. Peter 不 I woul...

  • 《唐顿庄园》精讲141 叔侄会晤秘语

    Elsie? It is Elsie, isn't it? Elsie 我没认错吧 It is. 没有 Though there's very few left to call me that, Joe Burns. 很少有人这么叫我了 Joe Burns Well, I'm flattered that I'm one of them. 还能这样叫你 真是倍感荣幸 Where's T...

  • 《唐顿庄园》精讲140 你为何要上学?

    Don't stay too long. 别待太久 Let them have an early night. 让他们早些收拾 Sybil, darling, why would you want to go to a real school? Sybil 你怎么想到去学校上课 You're not a doctor's daughter. 你又不是医生的女儿 Nobody l...

  • 《唐顿庄园》精讲139 聚焦庙会

    I never put the Sauternes on ice. 葡萄甜酒怎么放在冰上 Mrs Hughes goes out for one night and we all fall to pieces! Hughes夫人才出去一晚家里就整个乱作一团 We wondered if we could walk down to the fair after dinner. Carson先生...

  • 《唐顿庄园》精讲138 你走吧

    I'm just off, Mr Carson. 我要出门了 According to the wine book, we should have six dozen of this. 帐本上显示 应该还有六打酒 But I'm beggared if I can find more than four. 但找来找去 发现不超过四打 Look again before you ju...

  • 《唐顿庄园》精讲137 未来夫妻偶遇

    I wanted to have a go before I went home. 回家前 我想试试身手 How about you? Thank you. 你也来玩吧 谢谢了 Is your father doing anything this evening? 您父亲晚上要做什么 He's not coming to the fair. Seriously. 肯定不会来逛...

  • 《唐顿庄园》精讲136 女权运动要开始了

    Why is Sybil having a new dress and not me? Sybil怎么有新衣服 我却没有 Because it is Sybil's turn. 这次轮到Sybil了 Can it be my choice this time? 这次能让我选吗 Of course. 当然 As long as you choose what I choose. 只要你选的...

  • 《唐顿庄园》精讲135 你这个混混

    Is Daisy going to the fair tonight with the others? 今晚 Daisy跟其他人一起去集市吗 Why don't you ask her? 怎么不亲口问她 She needs taking out of herself. 她得出去走走 What's it to you? 你又打什么算盘 Nothing.Daisy, I w...

  • 《唐顿庄园》精讲134 不要趁人之危抢夺财产

    I'll pay you the compliment that I do not believe you wish to inherit just because nobody's investigated properly. 事情尚未理清前 以你的人品应该不会趁人之危吧 No, but... 是的 但是 Nor can Mary accuse you of making trouble whe...

  • 《唐顿庄园》精讲133 少来讨价还价,遵命即可

    Someone to see you, Mr Crawley. 有人要见你 Crawley先生 Well, there's nothing in my diary. 日程上没预约啊 It's Lady Grantham. 是伯爵夫人 Well, in that case, show her in at once. 那快请她进来 Cousin Cora, to what do I owe the C...

  • 《唐顿庄园》精讲132 实干夫人

    I'm afraid Dr Clarkson's out delivering a baby. Clarkson医生出去接生了 We don't know when he'll be back. 不知道他何时回来 No matter. 没关系 If you open the store cupboard, I can easily find what I need. 你打开药柜 我自己找需...

  • 《唐顿庄园》精讲131 前往庙会驱鬼魂

    If you've got a cold, I want you out of here. 感冒了 就别进厨房了 Anna, there you are. Anna 我正找你 You know I'm out tonight? 今晚 我要出去 Because I don't want to come home to any surprises. 我可不想回家时有什么惊喜 T...

  • 《唐顿庄园》精讲130 聚焦玛丽小姐

    How about some house parties? 庄园里办些聚会如何 She's been asked to one next month by Lady Anne Mcnair. Anne Mcnair小姐已请她去参加下月的一个聚会 That's a terrible idea. 真是个馊主意 She doesn't know anyone under 100. 她...
