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  • 《童话镇》第260期:净化她的灵魂 Is this about that girl I met on the road? 是因为我在路上遇见的那姑娘吗 What was her name? Margie? Verna? 她叫什么名字 玛吉 维尔纳 Belle. 贝儿 Right. Well, you can rest assured I had nothing to do with that tragedy. 没错 你
  • 《童话镇》第261期:你在说谎 After a while, she threw herself out of the tower.She died. 没过多久,她从塔楼上跳下,死了。 You're lying. 你在说谎 Am I? 是吗 We're done. 我们没什么可说的了 Fine. I have other calls to make. 好吧 反正我还要拜访别
  • 《童话镇》第262期:皇室婚礼 Princess Abigail, your beauty grows with each passing day. 艾比盖尔公主 你真是一天比一天漂亮 It is an honor to have you join my family. 你能成为我家的一员是我的荣幸 Thank you, your majesty. 谢谢陛下 Let's go! 出发
  • 《童话镇》第263期:法学院 Chicken's delicious. 鸡肉很好吃 David, there's something we need to discuss. 戴维 有件事我想跟你谈谈 Okay. 说吧 I applied to law school. 我申请了法学院 That's amazing. 这是天大的好事 Why didn't you ever tell me? 你怎么
  • 《童话镇》第264期:搬去波士顿 You love Snow White... and you have no intention of marrying me. 你爱上了白雪 根本没有跟我成婚的打算 I won't marry someone I don't love or give that despot the satisfaction that I helped him. 我不会娶我不爱的人 更不会帮那
  • 《童话镇》第265期:别再躲藏了 The only way no one gets hurt here is if we don't want to be together. 唯一不让任何人受到伤害的办法就是我们不要再在一起了 Is that what you want? 这是你想要的吗 No. 不 Well, then we have to stop hiding and do something
  • 《童话镇》第266期:离戴维远点 August W. Booth. 奥古斯特W布兹 Really? With the middle initial? 是嘛 中间名还搞缩写 W's for Wayne. W是韦恩的缩写 So there goes your reason for not meeting me here after work. 这下你没借口下班后不在这里和我见面了吧
  • 《童话镇》第267期:心灵相契 He's telling Kathryn. 他要去和凯思琳坦白了 Everything? 所有的事 Everything. 所有的 David? David, come take a look. I found a whole bunch of great apartment options. 戴维 戴维 过来看看 我找到好几处不错的公寓 I have
  • 《童话镇》第268期:悲剧之最 We've reached my father's realm. We should be safe here. 我们已经到达我父亲的领土 我们应该安全了 I have provisions waiting for you. 我帮你准备了一些必需品 I can't take any of it, not until you tell me what's really going
  • 《童话镇》第269期:真爱之吻 A moment, please. 请让我们单独待会儿 This is where my beloved Frederick sacrificed his life. 这是我亲爱的弗雷德里牺牲的地方 I'm sorry. Did he die in battle? 我很抱歉 他死在战争中吗 We were traveling with my father,
  • 《童话镇》第270期:传说之湖 There is legend of a lake. 据传有一座湖 Lake Nostos. Its waters are said to have magical properties that can return to you something that was once lost. 纳斯托斯湖 据说它的湖水具有魔力可以满足你失而复得的愿望 And yet
  • 《童话镇》第271期:童话书 Oh, go on. Open it. 快打开看看啊 What's the occasion? 为什么送我礼物呢 The occasion is I love you. 因为我爱你 Go on. Now I know you miss your book, but with this, you can do the heroics. 打开吧 我知道你丢了童话书 但有了
  • 《童话镇》第272期:修复感情 How do you know this? How? Did you see something? 你怎么知道的 你看到什么了吗 I... saw pictures. 我看过...照片 Sidney was always looking for scandal. It sells papers. He showed me.I buried them of course. 西德尼总是四处收集八
  • 《童话镇》第273期:祝你好运 I go the rest of the way alone. 剩下的路我自己走 No, this is for me. You have to let me come with you. 不 这事是为了我 我要跟你一起去 No. The only life I want in my hands is my own. 不行 我无权左右他人的生死 Good luc
  • 《童话镇》第274期:怪物 We should have talked to you sooner, but we've been completely honest. We didn't lie. 我们应该早点告诉你的 但我们全都告诉你了 我们没有骗你 You didn't lie? 你们没骗人 You snuck around. You have him break up my marriage wi