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  • 《童话镇》第442期:玛丽原谅了瑞金娜 Henry forgot his lunch. Have you seen him? 亨利忘记带上午餐了 你看到他了吗 He's with his mother. 他和他妈妈在一起 Ms. Blanchard, is there a problem? 布兰切特女士 有什么问题吗 Not anymore. Though someone did go to a
  • 《童话镇》第443期:亨利与瑞金娜吵架 Henry, it's time for a change. 亨利 是时候做点改变了 I think it's time to transfer you to a new class with a new teacher. 我想把你转到别的老师带的班 Why do you want me out of Ms. Blanchard's class? Is it because you framed her?
  • 《童话镇》第444期:戈登与奥古斯特的交易 First time seeing dear old dad since you arrived at Storybrooke? I'm ssor... 你来到童话镇之后这是第一次见你老爹吗 抱歉... You know, what surprises me is why a man who claims to be at death's door can't even bring himself to say he
  • 《童话镇》第445期:匹诺曹面临危险 Align the gear on the spindle. Now press the spring. 将齿轮与轴对齐 现在按一下弹簧 Good work! You fixed it, eh? Bravo! 干得好 你把它修好了 好厉害 Did you do this, Pinocchio? Remember what the blue fairy told you about being
  • 《童话镇》第446期:我不能失去我的孩子 But how can I protect this child? 但我要怎么保护这个孩子 There is an enchanted tree, much like the one you carved Pinocchio from. 有棵被施了魔法的树很像你做匹诺曹的那棵 If fashioned into a vessel, it can protect the chil
  • 《童话镇》第447期:艾玛请求奥古斯特的帮助 The only person I've ever seen go headtohead with Regina and win is you. 只有你一人能和瑞金娜硬碰硬还占上风 That's because I know how to pick my battles. 那是因为我知道什么时候能出手 Then pick this one. 那你就出手帮
  • 《童话镇》第448期:戴维步入瑞金娜的陷阱 Thank you for being my knight in shining armor. 多谢你英雄救美 Well, it's more like flannel, but you're welcome. 英雄谈不上不过不客气 Hey, why don't you stay for dinner? 你要不要留下来吃晚饭 I bought more than enough for me
  • 《童话镇》第449期:与天使讲条件 The evil queen will stop at nothing to destroy Snow White and Prince Charming's happiness. 邪恶的巫后会不惜一切代价去破坏白雪公主和白马王子的幸福 So we must stop at nothing to undo her curse. 所以我们也必须尽全力来
  • 《童话镇》第450期:盖比特的威胁 Snow can raise the child without her husband. 白雪可以一个人抚养孩子 Geppetto, think about the example you're setting for Pinocchio. 盖比特 看看你给匹诺曹树了什么坏榜样 You may be a conscience, but you have not earned the
  • 《童话镇》第451期:瑞金娜欺骗戴维 There is, however, a catch. 但是 有一个弊端 The enchantment is indeed powerful, but all power has its limits. 这个魔力的确很强大 但所有的力量都是有限的 And this tree can protect only one. A choice must be made. 这棵树只能
  • 《童话镇》第452期:瑞金娜引诱戴维失败 I was working late. Itit was a cold night. Must've been ten below. 那天我很晚才下班 天气很冷 估计得有零下十度 And on my drive home, I realized I left my phone at the office. 开车回家的时候 突然发现手机丢在办公室了
  • 《童话镇》第453期:她的孩子是我们唯一的希望 Shall we tell Snow White? 我们要告诉白雪公主吗 No. Get in the wardrobe, my boy. 不要 到衣柜里去 孩子 Geppetto, you can't. Things have changed. The savior needs her mother. 盖比特 你不能这样 事情有变 救世主需要她的妈
  • 《童话镇》第454期:匹诺曹讲出真相 There will be many temptations in this new world, Pinocchio, but as long as you remain brave, truthful, and unselfish, you will not fail. 匹诺曹 新的世界里会有许多诱惑 只要你一直勇敢 诚实 无私 你就不会失败 Here. Get in.
  • 《童话镇》第455期:艾琳不相信奥古斯特的话 You must look out for this child in this new land.Promise me you'll do that. 你在新世界一定要照顾那个孩子 保证你会做到 That is the only way we'll we'll see each other again. I promise. 只有这样 我们...我们才能再次相见
  • 《童话镇》第456期:奥古斯特的证据 When I found you, you were wrapped in a blanket, and the name Emma was embroidered along the bottom of it. 我发现你的时候 你被裹在毯子里 你的名字艾玛就绣在底边上 That wasn't in the article, was it? 文章里没有提到这些