新奇事件簿 学生对老师进行网络攻击
Children as young as seven are posting abusive and damaging comments about their teachers on social networking websites such as Facebook and Twitter, according to new research. Even worse, some of the children's parents are adding their comments to w
新奇事件簿 游客因佛像纹身而驱逐出境
Sri Lanka will deport a British tourist for having a tattoo on her arm of the Buddha seated on a lotus flower. Naomi Coleman, 37, was arrested at Sri Lanka's international airport on Monday. She is currently at acentre in the airport waiting for a fl
新奇事件簿 36%的英国人不买房
House prices in the U.K. are now so high that a third of British people believe they will never buy their own home. This is according to a new report published by the Halifax Bank. Home ownership was once an achievable goal for generations of Britons
新奇事件簿 加夫列尔·加西亚·马尔克斯去世
Gabriel Garca Mrquez, one of the world's greatest novelists, has died, aged 87. He passed away at his home in Mexico. The official cause of death was a lung infection. The Colombian writer won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1982, among many more to
新奇事件簿 班克西新作引争议
A new painting by the guerilla artist Banksy is currently the focus of a heated argument in the city of Bristol, England. The painting appeared overnight on a building. The leader of a nearby youth club, DennisStinchcombe, couldn't believe his luck w
新奇事件簿 网站还在修补漏洞
Many companies are trying to make their websites safe from a new Internet bug called Heartbleed. It is like a hole in the security of websites that hackers can use to get private information. The bug was in security software used by most Internet sit
新奇事件簿 英国允许三父母婴儿
Lawmakers in the U.K. have voted to allow doctors to create babies from the DNA of three different people.It will be the first country in the world to do this. There was a vote in Britain's parliament, where 382 lawmakers voted for allowing three-per
新奇事件簿 袭击之后巴黎叫停动作电影拍摄
Authorities in Paris have halted the filming of scenes from action movies on its streets in the wake of the recent terror attacks. The city is still on high alert following the attack on the magazine Charlie Hebdo and other attacks, which left 20 peo
新奇事件簿 澳大利亚人摘得披萨桂冠
An Australian chef has been crowned pizza king at the World Pizza Championship in Parma, Italy. Pizza maker Johnny Di Francesco, who runs an Italian pizzeria in Melbourne, Australia, scooped the award in the traditional Neapolitan pizza category. He
新奇事件簿 欧洲领导人说唱拉选票
European leaders tried a new way to win votes. They used rap to get young people to vote for them. More and more young people are losing interest in elections. The number of young people who vote has gone down inthe past ten years. The number was 87
新奇事件簿 流感药物引质疑
Medical experts are questioning why so much money was spent developing and then stocking up on medicationsfor influenza. The tablet Tamiflu and nasal spray Relenza are commonly prescribed by doctors to treat the flu. Governments have heavily stockpil
新奇事件簿 汇丰帮助富人藏钱
The BBC says that HSBC, the world's second largest bank, helped rich people to hide money so they would not have to pay tax. A BBC documentary programme got access to the details of thousands of private bank accounts, worth $128 billion, from an HSBC
新奇事件簿 慢跑过度或将减短寿命
We all know that running a few kilometres each day is good for our health, right? Well, what we didn't know, until now, is that running too much could be bad for us. New research suggests that running long distances regularly for many years could sho
新奇事件簿 尼日利亚成为非洲第一大经济体
Nigeria has changed the way it measures its gross domestic product (GDP) and has announced it is now Africa's largest economy. It is the first time the continent's most populous nation has claimed the top spot. Nigeria rebased its gross domestic prod
新奇事件簿 土耳其法院称推特促进言论自由
A court in Turkey has said the country's Twitter ban prevents free speech. It said that blocking Twitter takes away people's right to express themselves freely. The Turkish government blocked Twitter on March the21st. The Prime Minister, Tayyip Erdog
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