模仿文本: But first, the organisers of the London Marathon have confirmed that the race will definitely take place in the British capital this weekend despite the death of three people for an explosion at the Boston Marathon on Monday. Security for the event is being reviewed however. There will also be a 30-second period of silence before the race begins, and the runners will be given black armbands to wear.
译文:首先,伦敦马拉松(London Marathon)的组织方已经确认,尽管周一波士顿马拉松赛发生爆炸事件导致三人死亡,本周日的伦敦马拉松大赛还是按计划举行,大赛的安保也正在进行评测。大赛开始前将有半分钟默哀,参赛选手也将佩戴黑纱。