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  • 【英音模仿秀】文物卫士

    模仿文本: Now an Egyptian woman who's been putting herself in the line of fire to protect some of the world's oldest treasures. Monica Hanna is a 31-year-old archaeologist who's taken it upon herself to tackle the looters who have been systemat...

  • 【英音模仿秀】美欧伙伴协定呼之欲出

    It would be the biggest trade investment deal of all. The European Union and the United States are negotiating to remove barriers to trans-Atlantic commerce, a deal, which if it does get done, will be called the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Pa...

  • 【英音模仿秀】土耳其矿难

    模仿文本: We start this edition of the podcast in Turkey where the town of Soma has been burying its dead. So far 283 men are confirmed dead after the worst mining accident in the country's history, but there are still more than a hundred peopl...

  • 【英音模仿秀】黎明合唱团

    模仿文本: Our last dawn chorus for Tweet of the Day is a collection of solos from the city recorded by Chris Watson in Whitechapel in May 2012. It was part of a project that enabled the children of the Royal London Children's Hospital to hear w...

  • 【英音模仿秀】啤酒花价格飙升

    模仿文本: But now beer makers in the United States are hopping mad over the price of hops. Hops are a major component of ice-cold to craft beers, which have become hugely popular in America. In fact it's become a 14-billion-dollar industry. The...

  • 【英音模仿秀】世界杯球场将举办关键测试赛

    模仿文本: FIFA have come to the conclusion that there must be another test with a bigger crowd, a crowd more like the nearly 70,000 fans who have bought tickets for that opening game. So another match has been fixed up as a test event for next...

  • 【英音模仿秀】吉米的舞厅

    模仿文本:Loach in particular has been nominated for the Palme d'Or 11 times since 1981, and for all, but one of those, he's been accompanied by his producer of 25 years in their company Sixteen Films Rebecca O'Brien. Her first appearance on the...

  • 【英音模仿秀】三更灯火五更鸡,正是男儿读书时

    模仿文本: Retired teacher Antonio La Cava and his distinctive three-wheeled car are a popular sight in the south of Italy. He's converted it into a mobile library. You can see a picture of it on our Facebook page. And he travels long distances...

  • 【英音模仿秀】月球上的商业机遇

    模仿文本:So picture, if you will, a floating interplanetary gas station somewhere else there in orbit, supplying all the passing rockets as they power off to distant constellations. Michael Sims is not for his part aiming quite to go that far y...

  • 【英音模仿秀】新抗体为开发儿童疟疾疫苗带来希望

    模仿文本: According to the United Nations, malaria is the biggest killer of children in the world. In Africa, one child dies from the disease every minute. But could children actually be the key to developing a successful vaccine? Well, researc...

  • 【英音模仿秀】特利萨克帝校园枪击案

    模仿文本: In 1998 Indonesia was in real trouble. The country's economy had collapsed amid the Asian financial crisis which had swept the region. Popular anger was directed at President Suharto, the hardline ruler of Indonesia, for more than 30...

  • 【英音模仿秀】乌克兰大选 俄总统表态

    模仿文本:But first the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum is usually a pretty big deal. Business leaders from all over the world who want to find opportunities in Russia flock to the city to make contacts and talk about directions in...

  • 【英音模仿秀】毛里西奥·波切蒂诺加盟托特纳姆热刺执教

    模仿文本: He brings with him all of his coaching staff from Southampton who were also his coaching staff at Espanyol. He was at Southampton since January 2013. He led the club to eighth in the Premier League last season. And he's really been kn...

  • 【英音模仿秀】天注定

    模仿文本: A film from China now, A Touch Of Sin, subverts expectations. Firstly it's largely set outside the big cities in bleak rural towns and villages, sometimes dominated by a vast industrial complex. Then its subject is sudden acts of viol...

  • 【英音模仿秀】父子情深携手行

    模仿文本: The Fall is an unusual memoir in which Diogo tells his family's story through 424 short texts. These match the exact number of steps Tito has walked in one go with great difficulty, with his father, around Brazil and Venice. Diogo wri...
