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  • 科学家揭示四种恋爱模式的命运

    Researchers may now be able to predict the fate of your relationship. 研究人员现在或许能预测一段恋爱的命运。 A new study found four distinct patterns of commitment, which researchers say can reveal the fate of different relationshi...

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  • 中国大学要求女生签“贞洁承诺卡”遭炮轰

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  • 挑战直觉:研究称坐公交上班比走路上班更健康

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  • 双十一是光棍节还是假货节

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  • 光棍节必备:致单身狗的11条明星语录

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  • 为啥失败价值连城?

    Why is failure good? 为什么失败是好的? 获得4.4k好评的回答@ James Altucher Failure is not good. 失败没什么好的。 There is absolutely nothing good about failure. And there's nothing you can pretend to learn from failure. 失败绝...

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  • 外媒笑了:双11过后你们中国人只能吃土!

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