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  • 听歌学英语:No Vacancy-One Republic

    I used toleave the doors unlocked and leave the lights on 我曾忘了锁门曾忘了关灯 I used tostay awake, just counting hours on my thumb 曾不休不眠 只为用指头数着时间 I had so manyempty rooms inside the chateau 我的庄园里曾有...

  • 听歌学英语:Let's Hurt Tonight-OneRepublic / Bunt.

    When, when wecame home 当我们踏上归途 Worn to thebones 已是筋疲力尽 I toldmyself, this could get rough 我告诉自己回家的路道阻且长 And when,when I was off, which happened a lot 当我动身时,便是多事之秋 You came to...

  • 听歌学英语:The Cure - Lady Gaga

    Lady Gaga,1986年3月28日出生于美国纽约曼哈顿,美国流行女歌手、词曲创作者、慈善家、演员。 I'll undress you, cause you're tired 我会为你褪下外衣 因为你看起来疲惫不堪 Cover you as you desire 我会像你...

  • 听歌学英语:Believer - Imagine Dragons

    来自于美国摇滚乐队Imagine Dragons,发行于2017年2月1日。歌曲的主题为:只要心中有信仰,无论前面是荆棘丛生还是悬崖万丈,都无法阻挡我们追寻梦想的脚步! First things first 首先 I'ma say all...

  • 听歌学英语:Sing You to Sleep

    这首Sing You to Sleep实在是抒情中的经典。来自于歌手马特 卡伯(Matt Cab )出生于英国伦敦。作为一个极具RB个性的歌手,他唱出的歌却总是委婉悠长,他的声音清澈细腻 Baby take off ur coat 宝贝...

  • 听歌学英语:One Call Away

    这首歌曲来自于当前瑞典超人气男孩偶像团体E.M.D.,由2007瑞典偶像第5名和2006年偶像亚军和第6名加入,按照偶像大赛成绩排名,取各自第1个字母命名,组成E.M.D.。 Yeah, I know I've been busy 是,我...

  • 听歌学英语:Issues - Julia Michaels

    I'm jealous. I'm overzealous 我容易嫉妒,我歇斯底里 When I'm down, I get real down 失落的时候我极度失落 When I'm high I don't come down 高兴时我能上天 I get angry baby believe me 我容易动怒,亲爱的,相信我 I c...

  • 听歌学英语:Attention

    《 Attention》 Charlie Puth You've been running round, running round, running round throwing thatdirt all on my name 你总在四处兜圈到处撒野还把所有污名都扣我头上 连读:dirt all 爆破:tha(t) dirt Cause you knew that I, kn...

  • 听歌学英语:Hiding My Heart-Adele

    This is howthe story went 这便是故事的开端 I met someoneby accident 不经意间遇见了你 Who blew meaway, blew me away 从此心神不安 And It was inthe darkest of my days 那是我最黑暗的时光 When you tookmy sorrow and you took...

  • 听歌学英语:三只酷炫喵星人 Three Cool Cats

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  • 听歌学英语:Imagine Dragons-Whatever It Takes

    Imagine Dragon Falling too fast to prepare for this 为此我付出的代价沉重 爆破:fast to 弱读:fast (to) Tripping in the world /could be dangerous 坠入重重的危险之中 爆破: could be Everybody circling/ is vulturous 围绕着...

  • 听歌学英语:Closer

    烟鬼乐队,成立于2012年,是一个来自美国纽约的DJ组合,由成员亚历克斯鲍尔(Alex Pall)和安德鲁塔格特(Andrew Taggart) 组成。 Hey, I was doing just fine before I met you 嘿 遇到你之前我一切安好 I drink to...

  • 听歌学英语:不要糟蹋我的爱 Don't

    Don't,来自于Ed Sheeran的一首单曲。整首歌的主题:Don't fuck with my love! 不要糟蹋我的爱! Ah-la-la-la-la Ah-la-la-la-la I met this girl late last year She said dont you worry if I disappear I told her Im not really looking f...

  • 听歌学英语:Phantom Planet-The Happy Ending

    独白:It's so lucky to meet you. But it's life. And I was wondering if you are listening. When the light is glowing at the time of the spring 春的阳光初现 With the smell of early rain and buds getting green 伴着春雨和初芽的香味 Is...

  • 听歌学英语:Swish Swish-Katy Perry / Nicki Minaj

    Katy Perry这首《Swish Swish》有小心翼翼的创作痕迹,处处显露《Dark Horse》、《Birthday》的影子。全曲最精彩的地方在于Nicki Minaj,说得溜,唱得妙,说和唱都不给Katy活路,简直偷了整首歌。 A t...
