Think Of Me是音乐剧The Phantom Of The Opera(歌剧魅影)第一幕中,Sarah Brightman(莎拉布莱曼)扮演的Christine所唱的歌曲。一首很老的曲子,也是Andrew Lloyd Webber最受欢迎的作品之一。Andrew Lloyd Webber于...
《明日帝国》以1亿2500万美元的票房名列1997年度全美十大卖座的榜尾,而其在世界范围内的卖座力更是惊人,以3亿4330万美元位居当年全球最卖座电影的第四名。而Sheryl Crow所演唱的主题曲Tom...
《寂静岭》歌曲的主唱Mary Elizabeth McGlynn从3代开始与作曲人Akira Yamaoka合作为游戏唱歌。只要是原声带里有歌词的歌曲都是她唱的。寂静岭的音乐都由Akira Yamaoka(山冈晃)统一制作。这首Room O...
Way down the track made the wrong turn Finished up where I started You noticed a change come over me Fell in love with my own reflection yeah How does it feel beneath your own wheel Feels like an accident waking up Under a bus with my fingers crossed...
A thousand nights这首深情脉脉的歌出自Maria Arredondo的专辑《Maria Arredondo》,是《哈里波特3:哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》中的插曲,听着深情的旋律,缓缓的让自己的心灵舒坦下来,原来这个世...
《闪电狗》是迪士尼继《四眼天鸡》、《圣诞夜惊魂》和《天才小子》之后采用数字3D立体形式上映的第四部动画电影,也是国内首次引进的数字3D立体动画片。美国歌手Jenny Lewis(珍妮刘易斯...
Time for Miracles奇迹时刻 Adam Lambert(亚当兰伯特) It's late at night and I can't sleep Missing you just runs too deep Oh I can't breathe thinking of your smile Every kiss I can't forget This aching heart ain't broken yet Oh God I wish I...
When you know that you know who you love, you can't deny it. Or go back, or give up, or pretend that you don't buy it. When it's clear this time you've found the one, you'll never let him go Cos you know and you know that you know. When you feel in y...
约翰威廉姆斯就是用儿童唱诗班演唱圣诞颂的方式来欢迎霍格维兹的孩子们返校,歌中渐进的节奏和古怪的趣味在暗示这个圣诞季节会前所未有的险恶。这首 (Double Trouble,他的歌词取材自莎士...
因为感恩节而停播一周的《绯闻女孩》第四季第10集回归荧屏,落入诡计女朱丽叶之手的S要面对怎样的艰难处境?这一集的最后,一首忧伤的Through the Dark,简短的歌词,悠扬的旋律,是一种淡...
《绯闻女孩》第四季第11集是冬休前的最后一集,圣诞节的气氛已经相当浓烈,要应付诡计女的暗下毒手,S以及一票好友会如何应对?终究家才是最温暖的港湾,这一首片尾曲Coming Home温柔的女...
这首歌曲出现在预告片开头部分,是家庭录像带回忆安迪成长经历的那段... Randy Newman - Losing You was a fool with my money and I lost every dime and the sun stopped shining and it rained all the time it did set me back som...
HELLO--Lionel Richie Ive been alone with you inside my mind And in my dreams Ive kissed your lips a thousand times I sometimes see you pass outside my door Hello, is it me youre looking for? I can see it in your eyes I can see it in your smile Youre...
我忆起乌云满天,四下里电闪雷鸣 我忆起每个瞬间,岁月恍惚而过 I remembered black skies, the lightning all around me I remembered each flash as time began to blur Like a startling sign that fate had finally found me And your...