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    China's population is expected to peak at about 1.45 billion around 2030, according to the national population development plan for 2016-2030 released by the State Council, China's cabinet. 国务院于日前印发的《国家人口发展规划(20162...

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  • 我国食品安全首要问题 添加剂超标微生物污染

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  • 为什么坐飞机时我们总感觉耳朵要爆炸了?

    Most of us are familiar with this phenomenon of travel: ear-popping usually happens during takeoffs and landings. 大多数坐过飞机的人都熟悉这样的现象:飞机起飞或落地时我们的耳朵会有胀胀的感觉。 Our ears pop becau...

  • 美国多数民众支持封掉特朗普推特

    A majority of the country thinks it's time for Donald Trump to log off, and never tweet - at least not from his personal Twitter account. 美国多数民众认为是时候让特朗普注销推特账号,别再发帖了--至少不在其私人账号上发...

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