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  • 42家航企发延误补偿新标准 部分公司不予补偿

    42 air companies in China have released the detailed standards of compensation for flight delays. 近日,国内42家航空公司公布了航班延误补偿的具体标准。 These airliners will compensate for flight delays caused by maintenance, f...

  • 川普成女性公敌 “穿衣令”再次激怒女同胞

    Donald Trump has angered feminists all over again, after a new report suggests that he has told the female staff of his administration that they need to always dress like women when at work. 特朗普再一次激怒了女性主义者,一则最新报道...

  • 近6万人签证因特朗普移民禁令被取消

    Nearly 60,000 individuals had their visas cancelled as a result of President Donald Trumps immigration clampdown, the state department said on Friday. 美国国务院周五表示,总统唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)对移民的压制导致近6万人...

  • 碧昂丝大肚照人气创纪录

    Less than two weeks into Donald Trump's presidency, it seemed the only news from here on out would be political. 特朗普上任不到两周,所有的新闻似乎都来围绕着政治。 The new president and his flurry of executive orders and swif...

  • 美国企业是全球化的主宰者

    At a in dinner in Silicon Valley in 2011, President Barack Obama is reported to have asked Steve Jobs what it would take for Apple to employ Americans in America to make iPhones. With characteristic candour, Mr Jobs replied: Those jobs arent coming b...

  • 自动化是一个“温柔”的终结者

    Barack Obama had a parting shot for his successor this week. A day before Donald Trump predicted he would be the greatest jobs producer that God ever created, the outgoing US president appeared like the ghost at the feast, warning of the relentless p...

  • 美国参议院批准赵小兰任美国运输部长

    Elaine Chao, a former top U.S. labor official, was sworn in on Tuesday to lead the U.S. Transportation Department, which overseas aviation, vehicle, train and pipeline safety. Chao, a former U.S. labor secretary and deputy transportation secretary, t...

  • 联合国安理会将就伊朗导弹试射召开会议

    The United Nations Security Council is to hold urgent talks Tuesday in response to a ballistic missile test carried out by Iran. 联合国安理会将于星期二举行紧急会谈,对伊朗进行的弹道导弹试验作出反应。 The United Stat...

  • 川普和特雷莎·梅将在白宫会晤 贸易是会谈重点

    British Prime Minister Theresa May meets with U.S. President Donald Trump Friday at the White House where the two world leaders will hold a joint news conference. 英国首相特雷莎梅星期五将在白宫会晤美国总统川普,这两位领导人...

  • 白宫:川普有多种办法让墨西哥为边界墙出钱

    The White House says President Donald Trump has a buffet of options on how to get Mexico to pay for the wall he wants to build along the U.S.-Mexican border. 白宫表示,川普总统有多种办法让墨西哥为修建美墨边界墙出钱。 Earl...

  • 叙利亚和谈第一天没有突破

    Peace talks between the Syrian government and rebels groups continue Tuesday in Kazakhstan, after an opening day in which officials said there was no major breakthrough. 叙利亚政府与反政府力量星期二继续在哈萨克斯坦进行和平谈判...

  • 英国首相特雷莎·梅:英美可再次共同发挥领导作用

    British Prime Minister Theresa May is set to call for a renewal of the special relationship with the United States, as Britain prepares to leave the European Union and President Donald Trump begins his term as the U.S. leader. 在英国即将脱欧,川...

  • 美国向朝鲜提供人道援助

    The United States has provided $1 million in humanitarian aid to North Korea, the U.S. State Department said Wednesday. 美国国务院星期三说,美国向朝鲜提供了一百万美元的人道援助。 Despite growing tensions between North Kor...

  • 川普宣布 美国退出TPP协议

    President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the 12-nation Pacific Rim trade deal on Monday as he started his first full week in office. At the White House, Trump called it a great thing for the American worker - what we just did. 美国总统...

  • 纳斯达克庆祝中国新年

    NEW YOKR, Jan. 27 (Xinhua) -- The New York-based Nasdaq stock exchange marked the Chinese Lunar New Year on Friday with a special bell ringing ceremony to kick off the day's trading. Zhang Qiyue, Chinese Consul General in New York, rang the opening b...
