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  • 2016年国内手机出货量突破5亿部 国产机占近九成

    Domestic brands still dominate cellphone shipments in China as Chinese cellphone makers accelerated innovation, an industrial report showed. 一份产业报告显示,随着国内手机制造商加快创新,国产品牌手机仍占据国内手机出...

  • 查显示 九成中国富豪对中国经济表示乐观

    According to a new survey conducted by Hurun Research Institute, over 90 percent of wealthy Chinese are optimistic about China's economy. 据胡润研究所的一份最新调查显示,超过90%的中国富人对中国经济感到乐观。 Over the...

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    Emma Watson plays Belle, the lead in a live action adaptation of fairytale Beauty and the Beast. The film is set for global release in March 2017, and, as per usual, a series of collectible toys has been created to accompany the film. 童话《美女与...

  • 外籍学生在华就业有新规 优秀高校毕业生可在华就业

    Starting this year, foreigners who have graduated with a master's degree from a Chinese or a foreign university during the previous year will be eligible to work in China, according to a circular issued by the ministries of education, foreign affairs...

  • 2016年中国网民数量达7.31亿 相当于欧洲人口总量

    China has 731 million Internet users as of December 2016, roughly the size of Europe's population, according to a report released by the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC). 据中国互联网络信息中心发布的一份报告显示,截...

  • 数据显示 我国空巢青年的人数正在大幅上升

    China has lately witnessed an increase of so-called empty-nest youth, or young people who live alone, which experts believe is a cause for public concern. 最近,中国所谓的空巢青年人群有所增加(空巢青年即指独自居住的年轻人...

  • 报告预测 2055年全球近半数工作可被机器人替代

    About half of the work carried out by people has the potential to be automated by 2055 with adaptions to technology, a McKinsey Global Institute report predicted. 麦肯锡全球研究院近日发布的一份报告预测,到2055年,约半数人工工...

  • 美国7种年薪超过8万美元的紧缺工种

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  • 被指“假公益” 小贝称私人邮件遭黑

    David Beckham on Saturday blasted reports that he used his children's charity work to boost his public image and chances of getting a knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II. 大卫-贝克汉姆4日针对有关他利用儿童慈善事业为自己的公众形...

  • 民航局发布人体捐献器官运输管理办法

    Donated organs will have priority when it comes to boarding airplanes at all civil airports in China, according to a regulation released by the Civil Aviation Administration of China recently. 根据中国民航局日前发布的一项规定,捐献器...

  • 中国政府查处天津近郊非法调料造假窝点

    Chinese authorities are investigating nearly 50 factories allegedly manufacturing fake versions of widely used food seasonings and sauces. 中国政府正在调查约50家制假工厂,据称它们制造假冒的、人们广泛使用的调味料和酱...

  • 2016年度中国堵城排名出炉 济南成全国"首堵"

    Beijing ranked No 3 on the list of top 10 most congested cites in China, following Jinan and Harbin, according to a report by China Academy of Transportation Sciences. 交通运输部科学研究院近日发布的报告显示,北京位居全国十大...

  • 雅虎公司将更名Altaba CEO梅耶尔离开董事会

    Yahoo Inc said that it would rename itself Altaba Inc and Chief Executive Officer Marissa Mayer would step down from the board after the closing of its deal with Verizon Communications Inc. 雅虎公司近日表示将更名为Altaba公司,在雅虎与...

  • 研究发现 婴儿在出生时就会记住母语

    Babies build knowledge about the language they hear even in the first few months of life, research shows. 一项研究显示,婴儿在生命最初的几个月里就建立了关于他们所听到的语言的知识。 If you move countries and forget...

  • 瞄准女中学生 英国情报机构栽培"女邦德"

    Teenage girls who spend a lot of time online and on social media could become the UK's spies of the future, Britain's intelligence agency hopes. 英国情报部门希望,目前在互联网和社交媒体上花费大量时间的女孩能够成为英国...
