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    In South Korea, the business of war is booming. 在韩国,战争生意正在蓬勃发展。 Military exports have soared nearly 1,100 per cent since 2009 as the nations arms manufacturers thrive off growing global instability, competitive pricing a...

  • 特朗普 美企海外代工或面临35%惩罚性关税

    US President-elect Donald Trump says he will impose punitive taxes on US firms that move manufacturing overseas. 美国候任总统特朗普表示,他将对制造业迁至国外的美国企业征收35%的惩罚性关税。 Mr Trump promised a 35% t...

  • 《时代》周刊盘点2016年最炫的科技发明

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  • 意大利总理伦齐在公投中受挫 宣布辞职

    Matteo Renzi is set to resign after suffering a heavy defeat in a referendum on his flagship constitutional reforms, a result that plunges Italy into political crisis and raises fears of turmoil in its banking system. 意大利总理马泰奥.伦齐(...

  • 特朗普接蔡英文电话 无心还是有意

    The conversation between Donald Trump and the president of Taiwan was just a courtesy call, vice-president elect Mike Pence said on Sunday as he attempted to damp down a diplomatic firestorm that has the potential to upend US-China relations. 美国候...

  • 北京雾霾暗藏超级细菌 吓坏居民

    BEIJING A report that Beijings already notorious smog contained bacteria with antibiotic-resistant genes spread through the city last week like pathogens in a pandemic disaster movie. 北京上周,有一则新闻就像是传染病灾难片中的病原...

  • 硅谷的新颠覆对象 传统食物

    After phones, cameras and taxis, Silicon Valley is looking to disrupt a rather more mundane American mainstay: fast food. 继手机、照相机和出租车之后,硅谷正着眼于颠覆一种美国人生活中习以为常的东西:快餐。 Star...

  • 叙叛军与俄罗斯秘密谈判

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  • 特朗普任命多名高盛人士担任要职

    It is less than four weeks since Donald Trump ran an attack ad on Hillary Clinton, using an image of Goldman Sachs chief Lloyd Blankfein to illustrate how the Democratic candidate favoured big business over small people. 就在不到四周以前,唐纳...

  • 泰国新国王拉玛十世登基

    Thailands crown prince has become king and launched a new era for Southeast Asias second-largest economy ahead of elections promised by the ruling military next year. 泰国王储登基为国王,在执政的军政府承诺于明年举行的选举前开...

  • 普京表示 期待与美国关系正常化

    Russian president Vladimir Putin offered a tentative olive branch to the west on Thursday, denouncing myths about Russian aggression and expressing hope that the incoming US administration would work with Moscow to fight terrorism. 俄罗斯总统弗拉...

  • 冰岛 一个盛产诗人的国度

    Iceland, it seems, is full of hidden poets. 冰岛似乎到处都是隐藏的诗人。 When theyre not at their day jobs, a great many of the islands 330,000 inhabitants dabble in verse, including politicians, businessmen, horse breeders and scientis...

  • 中国职业打假人 这条路还能走多远

    BEIJING Ji Wanchang strolled through a Beijing luxury mall one recent morning with an eye out for luxury coats. 北京最近的一个上午,纪万昌在北京一个豪华购物中心漫步,他在仔细挑选奢华大衣, But at one store, a cle...

  • 奥朗德宣布不谋求明年的法国总统连任

    Fran?ois Hollande announced on Thursday night that he would not run for a second term in next years French presidential elections. 弗朗索瓦.奥朗德(Fran?ois Hollande)周四晚宣布,他不会在明年的法国总统选举中谋求连任。 Th...

  • 美国黑色星期五销售创纪录 移动端成网购新增长点

    A digital marketing research group said the online sales at a record high of $3.34 billion during this year's Black Friday shopping spree in the US. 数字研究市场集团Adobe Digital Insights日前声称,今年美国黑色星期五购物狂欢节...
