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    The drone is increasingly a popular item in China and with it, more and more people are considering becoming certified. 无人机在国内正日益流行,因此越来越多的国人考虑取得驾照。 However, becoming a certified drone pilot is...

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    Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a message of condolence to his Cuban counterpart, Raul Castro, after Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro passed away late Friday at the age of 90. 在古巴革命领袖菲德尔卡斯特罗上周五晚于90岁高龄...

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    China is accelerating research work into digital currency as the country hopes to use new techniques to digitize paper currency and make transactions more transparent and efficient. 中国正在加快数字货币的研究工作,以求使用新技术将...

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  • 如何抗击隐形的歧视

    Six months ago, tech entrepreneur Rohan Gilkes tried to rent a cabin in Idaho over the July 4 weekend, using the website Airbnb. 半年前,科技创业者罗恩.吉尔克斯(Rohan Gilkes)尝试通过Airbnb网站预订爱达荷州的一间小屋,在...

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    Peeing at work has traditionally been a segregated business. 传统上,在工作场所如厕存在着一种隔离。 In the old days, directors relieved themselves in different, swishier places from the rank and file. 过去,董事们有自己单独...

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