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  • 国际货币基金组织总裁拉加德在法国出庭受审

    International Monetary Fund (IMF) chief Christine Lagarde went on trial in France last Monday for negligence over a massive state payout to a businessman when she was finance minister in 2008. 因在2008年任法国财政部长期间同意向一位商人...

  • 好消息! 人民币新增7种直接交易货币!

    China announced it will launch direct trading of its currency yuan with seven more currencies on its inter-bank foreign exchange market. 我国宣布将在银行间外汇市场新开展人民币对7种货币的直接交易。 The seven added currenci...

  • 三星推出'死亡更新' 未召回Note 7将变'砖块'

    In an effort to get US customers to turn off their explosion-prone devices, Samsung will be issuing a software update on Dec 19 that can make the Galaxy Note 7 useless bricks. 三星公司将于19日发布可以使盖乐世Note 7变成无用砖块的软...

  • 日本出奇招防止老人走失 指甲上贴二维码

    A Japanese city is keeping track of elderly dementia sufferers by attaching barcodes containing personal information to their fingers and toes, officials say. 据官方表示,日本一座城市通过将包含个人信息的二维码粘贴到使用者...

  • 葛优诉艺龙旅行网擅用'葛优躺' 索赔40万元

    Chinese comedian Ge You has filed a suit against eLong, a Chinese travel website, for portrait right infringement. 中国著名喜剧演员葛优日前将侵犯了其肖像权的艺龙旅行网告上了法庭。 The plaintiff said that eLong used 18...

  • 谷歌宣布2017年将实现100%使用可再生能源

    Google's data centres and the offices for its 60,000 staff will be powered entirely by renewable energy from next year, in what the company has called a landmark moment. 从明年开始,谷歌的数据中心和其6万名员工的办公室将完全使...

  • 中国每年过劳死60万人 超日本成过劳死第一大国

    China has overtaken Japan topping the charts with the largest population who die from overworking, reaching a total of 600,000 each year. 我国每年过劳死总人数达60万,已超过日本成为过劳死第一大国。 Statistics show that the...

  • 安东尼亲笔:吾辈即正义

    My first thought when I heard about the shooting of Alton Sterling last Tuesday was: OK, here we are again. 上周二,当我听说Alton Sterling枪击案时,我的第一反应是:好吧,又发生了! Then after reading about the killing of...

  • 手机充电新姿势 划屏幕就能给手机充电

    The movement of finger swipes may soon be able to charge our cellphones. 手指滑动的动作可能很快就可以为我们的手机充电了。 Researchers at Michigan State University have created a new way to harvest energy from human motion, usi...

  • 中国科学家首次在琥珀中发现恐龙羽毛化石

    Scientists have found dinosaur-era feathers and evidence of them in fossil impressions before. 科学家早已发现了恐龙时代的羽毛,并拥有其印在化石上证据。 But this is the first time they've discovered a full-feathered tail se...

  • 星巴克引入微信支付 明年推社交礼品体验品牌

    Chinese technology giant Tencent and global coffee chain Starbucks have created a new social gifting feature on Tencent's popular messaging app WeChat for early next year, through which WeChat users will be able to buy and send Starbucks-branded drin...

  • 中关村二小校园霸凌事件引发群众关注

    The Internet has been buzzing about a recent school bullying incident in Beijing. 北京近日发生的一起校园霸凌事件在网络上引发热议。 The mother of a 10-year-old student at Zhongguancun No 2 Primary School wrote an article online...

  • 地球一半物种正在灭绝 川普当总统雪上加霜

    Nearly half the species on the planet are failing to cope with global warming the world has already experienced, according to an alarming new study that suggests the sixth mass extinction of animal life in the Earth's history could take place in as l...

  • 智能手机供应商被迫转向多元化

    When the Apple tree is shaken, the effect is felt in the lower branches the myriad companies supplying the hundreds of parts that go into a smartphone. 当苹果公司(Apple)这棵大树颤动时,下面的枝条为智能手机提供数以百计部件...

  • 如何看懂美国民意 人会再次喜欢希拉里

    Now everyone will love her again. 现在所有人都会再次喜欢她。 Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post, in his postmortem on the election, wrote that although as a candidate Hillary Clinton was never able to show that she was something more...
