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    Recently, the case of a woman being forced to pay her ex-husband's debt has captured the attention of the Chinese public, many of who fear that the current marriage law provides a legal basis for the dispossession of pre-marital property. 最近,一位...

  • 改善首都空气质量 北京市禁行高排车辆

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  • 苹果服软! iPhone 6S意外关机将免费换电池!

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  • 贵州安顺骗拆迁款搭纸片房 风都能吹倒

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  • 我国劳动力5年减少2千万 2050年或降到7亿左右

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  • 愿天堂有足球相伴! 巴西球队飞包机坠毁76人遇难

    A charter plane carrying Brazilian football team Chapecoense crashed in Colombia Tuesday after reporting electrical problems, killing 76 of the 81 people on board. 本周二,一架载有巴西足球队沙佩科恩斯的包机在哥伦比亚坠毁,机...

  • 特朗普团队推出小红帽同款圣诞挂件 售价149美元遭疯抢

    A Christmas tree ornament that is a mini-replica of the now-famous red hat with Donald Trump's campaign slogan 'Make America Great Again' has sold out on Amazon. 印有特朗普的竞选口号让美国再次伟大的小红帽人气火爆,其迷你复...

  • 英国医疗集团Circle将在中国开设诊所

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  • 中国明股实债判例威胁影子银行

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  • 特朗普威胁终止与古巴关系正常化

    Donald Trump has threatened to abandon US efforts to restore trade and diplomatic ties with Cuba unless Havana makes new concessions, setting the stage for a clash with a US business community eager to exploit the opening up of the island economy. 唐纳...

  • WTO要求美国收回对波音的减税优惠

    The US has been ordered to withdraw illegal state tax breaks for Boeing within three months, giving rival Airbus the latest victory in a 12-year battle over government support for the worlds two biggest aircraft makers. 美国已被要求在三个月内...

  • 卡斯特罗思想 仍在影响古巴

    Fidel Castro would rather have been born in a bigger country than Cuba. 菲德尔.卡斯特罗(Fidel Castro)希望自己出生在一个比古巴更大的国家。 He knew Cubas economy would remain insignificant but he figured out how to make Cuba an...

  • 最新全球大学就业能力排行榜出炉 中国14所高校入围

    Times Higher Education (THE) last Wednesday published the annual Global University Employability Ranking, revealing that 14 Chinese universities make into the ranking. 泰晤士高等教育(THE)上周三发布了《全球大学就业能力排行榜...

  • 变成嫌疑人? 韩国检方称朴槿惠"共谋作案"

    South Korean prosecutors said last Sunday that they believe President Park Geun-hye was an accomplice in a corruption scandal that has rocked her administration, in a heavy blow to her fight for political survival. 韩国检方上周日声称,他们认...

  • 别样风景! 高速路堵车6小时大妈跳起广场舞!

    This is the incredible moment dozens of motorists deserted their vehicles to dance in the middle of a highway during a major traffic jam. 在一场大型交通拥堵中,一些司机扔下自己的交通工具在高速公路中央跳起了广场舞,...
