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  • 大众宣布未来四到五年在华推出15款新能源汽车

    German automaker Volkswagen has planned to introduce 15 models of new energy vehicles in China that are locally produced, the company said last Sunday. 德国汽车制造商大众上周日表示,该公司计划在中国推出本土生产的15款新能...

  • 中国出重拳预防地方债务风险

    Following rising concern over local government debt, China floated a four-grade emergency plan last Monday that could mean fiscal re-balancing. 随着地方政府性债务引发的担忧日益加剧,我国于上周一推出四级应急预案,这可...

  • 正能量传递 失踪儿童照片登上矿泉水瓶

    A bottled water company in eastern China has begun printing pictures of missing children on its packaging to help parents and authorities find them. 我国东部的一家瓶装水公司正在将失踪儿童的照片印在水瓶包装上,以帮助家长...

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    Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba Group, will fund the education of his 8-year-old doppelganger, according to a statement e-commerce giant Alibaba released last Sunday. 电商巨头阿里巴巴上周日发布声明称,阿里巴巴集团创始人马云将...

  • 不差钱! 特朗普称四十万元总统年薪分文不要!

    Questions have swirled concerning what'll happen to Trump's income in the wake of his winning the 2016 US presidential election, CBS News reported last Friday. 据哥伦比亚广播公司上周五报道,自从特朗普赢得2016年总统竞选以来,...

  • 厉害了! 神威·太湖之光蝉联超算世界冠军!

    China's Sunway TaihuLight has unsurprisingly taken the crown of the world's fastest machine again, according to the latest edition of the semiannual Top 500 list of supercomputers released last Monday. 最新一期超级计算机500强榜单于上周一...

  • 中国放松煤矿工作日限制

    Chinas top planning body has relaxed working day restrictions on its coal mines after reduced output boosted prices, frustrating central planners desire to control both price and supply of the nations most important energy source. 中国最高规划机...

  • 杜特尔特 支持中俄主导新秩序

    Rodrigo Duterte, the Philippine president, has backed the idea of a new world order led by China and Russia, highlighting global uncertainty about US security and trade goals under Donald Trump. 菲律宾总统罗德里戈.杜特尔特(Rodrigo Dutert...

  • 谷歌最新数据显示 网络的安全性正在提高

    While reports of major hackings continue to make news, the sites you visit are safer than ever before. 虽然关于网络黑客的报道仍旧屡见不鲜,但事实是你所访问网站的安全系数比以往任何时候都高。 In fact, the web...

  • 谷歌投资更名为CapitalG 悄然投资Snapchat

    Google Capital, one of Alphabet's two venture capital arms, quietly added Snapchat to its list of investments as part of a brand refresh and website redesign on Friday. 上周五,谷歌资本(谷歌母公司Alphabet旗下的两大风投机构之一...

  • 澳洲最新大学排行榜公布 想去留学的来看看!

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  • 调查显示 明年中国企业平均工资有望上涨7%

    China's average salary will increase by 7% in 2017, according to the latest research by ECA International, an international human resource consultancy. 根据国际人力资源咨询机构ECA国际的最新调查,2017年,中国平均工资将增长...

  • 武汉一父亲用GPS追踪孩子信息引争议

    A father in Wuhan, Hubei province reportedly installed three GPS trackers on his little one in an attempt to stay informed of his child's coordinates at any given time. 据报道,湖北武汉一名父亲在自己孩子身上放置了3个GPS追踪器,...

  • 加拿大潜水员在搜寻海参时竟然发现了核弹!

    A commercial diver may have discovered a lost nuclear bomb off the coast of British Columbia near the Haida Gwaii archipelago. 日前,一位商业潜水员在不列颠哥伦比亚省海达瓜依群岛的海岸附近发现了一个遗落的核炸弹。...
