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    Olympic badminton champion Lin Dan apologized on Thursday for cheating on his wife, hours after the affair was exposed online. 奥运会羽毛球冠军林丹在出轨一事被曝光于网上之后,于本周四做出了道歉。 A user calling himse...

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  • 全球通讯软件保密排名出炉 腾讯QQ微信垫底

    The world's most popular messaging apps are failing to adequately protect users' security and privacy, according to Amnesty International. 据国际特赦组织表示,世界上最受欢迎的即时通讯软件正面临无法充分保护用户隐私和...

  • 未来15年中国高收入消费者将井喷

    China's pool of high-earning consumers is set to surge in the next 15 years, a report showed. 一份报告显示,未来15年,我国高收入消费者数量将激增。 The number of people with a disposable income of at least $10,000 per year is...
