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  • 报告显示 全国流动人口已逾总人口的1/6

    One out of every six people in China migrates from one place to another, according to the 2016 Report on China's Migrant Population Development released last Wednesday by the National Health and Family Planning Commission. The report suggested that C...

  • 2016胡润IT富豪榜公布 马云高居榜首

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  • 中俄边境重要口岸绥芬河将新建机场

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  • 自动化制衣难题被攻克 机器人缝出完整服装

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  • 最新一次朝鲜导弹发射失败

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  • 伊拉克总理 摩苏尔行动进展超过预期

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  • 我国互联网保险迎来爆发式增长

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  • 马尔代夫发表声明宣布脱离英联邦

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  • 2020东京奥运削减经费 部分赛事或在韩国举行

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  • 杂交水稻之父袁隆平在青岛研发海水稻

    China's father of hybrid rice is planning to expand its production of sea-rice at a newly founded research center in Qingdao, a port city in the eastern province of Shandong, local sources said last Saturday. 据当地知情人士上周六透露,中国...

  • 全国最大寄血验子案告破 涉案金额达3000万美元

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  • 全球首颗量子卫星"墨子号"在轨测试顺利

    The world's first quantum satellite is currently in the middle of in-orbit testing, and will carry out additional scientific tests after November, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) announced on Oct. 12. 根据中科院10月12日公布的消息,全...

  • 报告显示 中国大陆学生涌入英国寄宿学校

    The number of students from the Chinese mainland being educated at British boarding schools is booming as their parents seek to prepare them for entry into an elite UK college or university. 由于中国大陆的父母试图使子女对进入英国的精...

  • 华为在尼日利亚投资600万美元建创新中心

    Chinese telecom equipment giant Huawei last Saturday launched an Innovation and Experience (Iamp;E) center in Lagos, Nigeria's economic hub with an investment of six million US dollars. 中国电信设备巨头华为上周六在尼日利亚的经济中...

  • 水果姐凯蒂·佩里将助力天猫双11晚会

    US pop sensation Fruit Sister Katy Perry is coming to China next month, for a concert sponsored by online shopping platform T-mall. 美国流行天后水果姐凯蒂佩里将于下月来华,为网络购物平台天猫主办的音乐会献唱。 The...
