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  • 广西南宁推出首张微信电子身份证

    Nanning police officially released China's first electronic ID on Nov. 3. 11月3日,南宁警方正式发布了中国首个电子身份证。 Cooperating with Internet giant Tencent, Nanning police also plan to incorporate IDs into citizens' mobile...

  • 腾讯18岁生日 每位员工获赠300股股票

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  • 牛津大学最新研究表明 中式教育完胜英式教育

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  • 俄罗斯宣布退出国际刑事法院

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  • 韩国总统朴槿惠确认缺席APEC会议

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  • 波音公司首个海外工厂落户浙江舟山

    Boeing will set up a completion center and delivery center for its 737 planes in Zhoushan City of east China's Zhejiang Province, the company said last Friday. 波音公司上周五表示,将在中国东部浙江省舟山市为其737系列飞机建立...

  • 告别小农经济? 中国向大企业集约化农业迈进

    China is opening up its agriculture industry to corporate farming, a move that could have wide economic and political implications. 中国农业正向大企业农业迈进,此举将产生广泛的经济和政治影响。 That decision may gradually...

  • 中超联赛球员平均薪资超58万英镑 居全球第6

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  • 神舟十一号飞船顺利着陆 宇航员安全返回

    Two astronauts who completed China's longest-ever manned space mission returned to Earth safely Friday afternoon, according to the Beijing Aerospace Control Center (BACC). 据北京航天飞行控制中心介绍,两名完成了中国历史上历时最...

  • 又一位房爷! 检察院职工竟然坐拥149套房产!

    A man in China has been put under investigation for owning a large number of properties, authorities said last Thursday. 有关部门上周四表示,中国一名男子因名下拥有大量房产而接受调查。 Xu Linbao, a worker at the People's...

  • 北京十三五生态环保目标 PM2.5年均浓度五年降三成

    Beijing government has vowed that by 2020 the city's annual average density of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) will have decreased by 30% from that of 2015. 北京市政府日前承诺,到2020年,该市细颗粒物(PM2.5)的年均浓度将比2015年...

  • 最新神剧《西部世界》女主角自曝结局将让你大吃一惊

    HBO has once again stepped up the TV game with their latest hit, Westworld, which follows the creators, AI hosts and guests of a futuristic Western theme park. HBO电视台的新剧《西部世界》讲述了创造者、人工智能接待员和游客们...

  • 法国春天百货启用支付宝吸引中国顾客

    The French department store Printemps launched the the use of Alipay, one of China's biggest payment services, at its flagship store last Wednesday, making it the first department store in France to use the service. 法国巴黎春天百货公司旗舰...

  • 蚂蚁金服投资泰国"支付宝" 5年或覆盖泰国一半网民

    Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding's financial arm Ant Financial Services Group last Tuesday signed a strategic partnership agreement with Thai financial technology firm Ascend Money, the former aims to expand its mobile payment platform...

  • 香港候任议员宣誓时辱国 人大常委会将主动就基本法条款释法

    Officials and lawmakers in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region must pledge with sincerity their loyalty to the Basic Law before they can assume office. 香港特别行政区的官员和议员在就职前必须真诚宣誓拥护基本法。 Th...
