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    The value of a college education continues to be examined in the real world. In addition to being saddled with student loans, graduates and even experienced workers face a lackluster labor market. 大学教育的价值继续在现实世界中得到检验...

  • 再遭变故! 三星在美召回280万台洗衣机!

    Samsung Electronics is recalling about 2.8m washing machines in the US over injury risk caused by a top lid detachment. 由于洗衣机顶盖脱离有伤人风险,韩国电子巨头三星电子将在美国召回约280万台洗衣机。 This recall...

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  • 特朗普开启政治即兴秀时代

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  • 韩国总统朴槿惠因闺蜜门曝出而压力剧增

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  • 美联储按兵不动 暗示12月可能加息

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  • 全面二孩政策实施一年 年底将进入生育高峰期

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  • 非洲学生在中国跑马拉松可以养家糊口!

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  • 美媒大选预测出错 尴尬召回十万《女总统》特刊

    Everyone from pollsters to pundits got the result of the US presidential election wrong. 所有的民调机构和权威专家对美国总统选举的结果预测都是错误的。 But few can have made it in such an expensive manner. 但很少有人会...

  • 伊斯兰国祝贺川普选举胜利

    Extremists celebrated Presidentelect Donald Trumps stunning victory at the polls Wednesday, hoping his triumph will lead to civil war, according to a jihadist monitoring group. 极端分子祝贺川普选举胜利,希望他的胜利可以引发美国...

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