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  • 2015年CRI 天津采取紧急措施防止发生次生灾害

    Chemical specialists investigating the blasts believe sodium cyanide, a highly toxic inorganic compound might have been stored at the site. Gao Huaiyou, deputy director of Tianjin's work safety watchdog, says containers at the blast site are closed a...

  • 2015年CRI 天津当地医院称负伤消防员病情稳定

    A total of 44 people have been rescued so far from the blast site. One 19-year-old firefighter was pulled out alive on Friday more than 30 hours after the catastrophe. Zhou Ti lost contact after the blasts occurred. He was found choking near a contai...

  • 2015年CRI 天津爆炸仓库内化学品尚未查明

    There are now 56 confirmed deaths, including 21 firemen, from the massive explosions and fire in the port city of Tianjin. Of the 721 people who were injured during the incident on Wednesday, 25 remain in critical condition. As of this evening, four...

  • 2015年CRI 天津爆炸受害者得到妥善安置

    Local authorities launched emergency response measures soon after the deadly warehouse blasts. Hospitals across the city became triage centers for the injured, while locals were called on to donate blood. In addition, massive donations have been pour...

  • 2015年CRI 天津爆炸已致50人死亡,火灾得到控制

    Since the accident occurred, we have established a medical emergency response team and have dispatched 110 doctors from the city's 29 major hospitals to the accident site. The doctors cover areas such as general surgery, orthopedics, burns, intensive...

  • 2015年CRI One Day for Lamas in Tashilhunpo Monastery

    Built in 1447 during the Ming Dynasty, the Tashilhunpo Monastery in China's Tibet Autonomous region was established by Gedun Druppa, who's recognized as the first Dalai Lama. The monastery was enlarged by the 4th Panchen Lama, Lozang Choskyi Gyaltsen...

  • 2015年CRI 中英两国同意在基础设施和能源方面深化合作

    Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi and British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond are co-chairing the China-Britain strategic dialogue in Beijing. Yang and Hammond agree that both nations will continue to deepen cooperation in infrastructure, energy,...

  • 2015年CRI 政府鼓励人们一周只工作4天半

    The new proposal released by the State Council is calling on employers to let their employees start their time off during the summer a few hours early on Friday afternoons, as long as conditions permit. Word of the proposal is being applauded by some...

  • 2015年CRI 中国在巴黎全球气候变化会谈前加强国际合作

    China predicts that its carbon emissions will peak by 2030 or earlier in a set of national emissions pledges submitted to the United Nations in June. China has promised to cut the nation's energy consumption per unit of economic output by 60 to 65 pe...

  • 2015年CRI 中国在抗战胜利大阅兵前夕向二战老兵发放一次性津贴

    The one-time allowance will be given to Communist Party veterans who fought in the battle against Japan during World War II. Money will also be given to those veterans who fought under the Kuomintang Party. The one-time payment is expected to be give...

  • 2015年CRI 日本战争孤儿回忆过去经历

    Su Zhengqin, a local villager in Mudanjiang, northeast China's Heilongjiang province, adopted Nakajima and took good care of him although her family had to face the discrimination from their neighbors. Nakajima says his foster parents were the simple...

  • 2015年CRI 中国在气候变化方面取得的成就

    China has recently submitted a post-2020 climate change pledge to the United Nations, promising that compared with 2005, China will cut its CO2 output per unit of GDP by between 60 and 65 percent by 2030. Zou Ji, the deputy director at the National C...

  • 2015年CRI 警方严厉打击境外赌博网站

    Police in northeast China's Heilongjiang province have broken up a multinational gambling ring involving a website in the Philippines that has attracted Chinese gamblers. They have seized more than 80 million yuan in gambling funds and frozen bank ac...

  • 2015年CRI 男性和女性对环境温度的感觉存在差异

    It happens every summer: offices turn on the air-conditioning, and women freeze into popsicles. But until now, there was no data to understand why women felt cold and were slipping on cardigans while men just rolled up their sleeves at the same tempe...

  • 2015年CRI 大多数儿童太阳镜不达标

    An expose done by China Central Television has revealed 9 out of 10 sunglasses made for kids are not up to standard. Zhou Tianyi, a quality supervisor with the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision, says parents need to be mo...
