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  • 2015年CRI 中国救援队救助缅甸灾民

    The flood disaster in Myanmar has brought the death toll to 89 and affected hundreds of thousands of people across the country, prompting a state of emergency and calls for urgent relief efforts. A Chinese non-governmental team, Blue Sky Rescue Team,...

  • 2015年CRI 澳大利亚回顾中国在二战中的重要作用

    When addressing the Australia-China Business Week in Sydney this week, Mr. Turnbull said at the very beginning of his speech that it is important not to forget that in Australia's battle for survival against Japan their longest ally was China. On Feb...

  • 2015年CRI 北京招收禁烟志愿者

    Two months after Beijing introduced the new smoking ban local authorities describe the control efforts as satisfactory. However, they are confronted with a shortage of personnel- there are more than 4 million smokers in the city, but only around 1,00...

  • 2015年CRI 被中国人救下的已故美国飞行员之子表达感谢

    In February 1944, Lt. Donald W. Kerr of the U.S. Air Force had his airplane shot down by Japanese troops during an Allies' operation to bombard the Kai Tak airport. The airport in Hong Kong had been occupied by Japanese troops since 1941. Lt. Kerr ma...

  • 2015年CRI 中国拟建造高效交通运输体系

    中国拟建造高效交通运输体系 For CRI, I'm Wang Mengzhen China's top economic planner, the National Development and Reform Commission, has announced that the country's infrastructure operation network has been basically completed. Meanwhile...

  • 2015年CRI 中国网络安全草案完稿开始征求公众意见

    The 68-article draft law looks at the safety, operation, and information of Internet products, services, and network data. It also stresses the protection of personal information from theft, leakage, or illegal use. This follows a string of incidents...

  • 2015年CRI 留尼旺岛发现的残骸被证实属于失踪的MH370飞机

    The announcement that the debris found on the Indian Ocean island of Reunion, east of Madagascar, is from flight MH370 is the first physical evidence discovered from the missing flight. French official Serge Mackowiak, who is assisting in the investi...

  • 2015年CRI 中国全速推进医院改革

    Among the highlights of the reforms is a ban on the price mark-up of drugs. Fu Wei with the National Health and Family Planning Commission says it's key to establishing a new system that can make hospitals more accountable to the people they're tryin...

  • 2015年CRI 北京215家养老院将从公办转为民营

    The pilot program aims to reform the senior-care sector and boost the role of family and community care. The plan will see some seniors' care centers remain state owned, but run by non-governmental organizations or individuals, while others will be c...

  • 2015年CRI 英国举办中国文化节 中国艺术团耀眼

    The China Culture Season in the UK has been opened by a number of performances, among which is a Chinese version of Shakespeare's play Richard III, the signature production of the National Theatre of China. Catherine Mallyon is the Executive Director...

  • 2015年CRI 中国加紧对援助缅甸灾民

    Chinese embassy officials in Myanmar are hitting more flood-stricken areas to deliver relief materials worth some 300,000 US dollars. Responding to a call from the embassy, around one-hundred Chinese companies operating in Myanmar have also begun org...

  • 2015年CRI 加强对食品安全法违反者的惩罚

    The revised laws will include much stronger civil, administrative and criminal penalties for both offenders and their supervisors. Those who violate the new food safety laws will face fines of up to 30 times the value of their products. The current p...

  • 2015年CRI 中美共商如何打击恐怖主义

    As part of the sessions, the two sides have been discussing how to better share information and law enforcement resources. This is the second such meeting between the Chinese and US governments. Professor Wang Baofu with China's National Defense Univ...

  • 2015年CRI 中国外长王毅会见克里讨论习主席访美以及中国南海

    Wang Yi met with John Kerry during a meeting at an ASEAN regional security forum. Before the meeting took place, John Kerry said the agenda included a number of topics. We will discuss a lot of issues before the ASEAN regional forum. We will talk abo...

  • 2015年CRI 韩国MERS风波后期望赢回中国游客

    South Korean authorities have been putting together promotional campaigns to try to lure tourists back after going through an outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or MERS, earlier this year. Park Won-soon, the Mayor of Seoul, is now in China...
