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  • 2015年CRI 中国与“一带一路”相关国家贸易取得进展

    Shen Danyang, spokesperson of the Ministry of Commerce, says the total foreign investment as well as the number of enterprises that were invested in by relevant countries have both increased. In terms of absorbing overseas investment, a total of 948...

  • 2015年CRI 中国誓言为残疾人士建设更好的无障碍环境

    The China Disabled Person's Federation has come out with new analysis, suggesting that while a lot of strides have been made toward making China more accessible to people with disabilities, more can still be done. In making the suggestion, Federation...

  • 2015年CRI 中国维和人员:维护和平,勇敢者的游戏

    You need some tact to play the game of the brave. This is how Nan Yixu sums up the essence of his job that of a military observer deployed in Lebanon, As a member of the UN Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) in Lebanon, Nan Yixus job was to super...

  • 2015年CRI 业内人士称无人机出口管制很有必要

    Latest stats show that of every 10 civil drones sold worldwide, 7 are produced in China. Wang Yanan, associate Editor-in-Chief with monthly magazine Aerospace Knowledge, says China has been on the leading-edge in the development of both military and...

  • 2015年CRI 世界最长铁路推动中欧贸易发展

    The longest rail link in the world, dubbed the silk road express, connects the industrial hub of Yiwu on the East coast of China with the Spanish capital Madrid. The link, first established late last year, is part of the Chinese governments plans to...

  • 2015年CRI 中国电梯安全成重大问题

    The latest fatal elevator accident took place a week ago on a cargo lift in the province of Jiangsu. A young woman was killed after she suddenly became stuck in the gap between the lift and the platform. The preliminary investigation suggests she was...

  • 2015年CRI 极具争议的“卵子冰冻”引发更多关注

    Oocyte cryopreservation, or egg freezing, is a procedure where a woman's ovum are removed, frozen and placed in long-term storage. When the woman is ready to become pregnant, the eggs can be thawed, fertilized and transferred into her uterus. The tec...

  • 2015年CRI 索马里恐怖袭击遇难武警灵柩归国

    Zhang's remains were returned to Jinan on Saturday evening, with two guards who were wounded in the bombing escorting his coffin. A eulogy at the event attended by about 1,000 people praised Zhang's courage. Meanwhile, friends and neighbors are remem...

  • 2015年CRI 法律专家辩论引渡美国牙医到津巴布韦受审的可能性

    Legal observers have begun weighing-in on Zimbabwe's attempt to have an American man extradited back to the country to face charges connected to the killing of a famous lion. The government of Zimbabwe has formally asked the United States to send Wal...

  • 2015年CRI 中国赢得2022年冬奥会举办权

    中国赢得2022年冬奥会举办权 Chinese vice-premier Liu Yandong said China will work hard for the 2022 Winter Games. Successfully winning the bid is a new beginning for us. We will work hard to build our nation, to become an especially good co...

  • 2015年CRI 社会各界庆祝中国获得2022年冬奥会举办权

    Crowds in Beijing wildly celebrated being awarded the 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics. Thousands gathered in the Bird's Nest Olympic Stadium to watch the announcement that was made at 6 PM local time. The announcement was greeted by cheering, en...

  • 2015年CRI 北京承诺带来高品质的2022年冬奥会

    Beijing's bidding concept has three major ideas: athlete oriented, sustainable development, and frugal style. Delegates from the Beijing Bid Committee say the first step is to concentrate on athletes, providing them with a good environment. Fang Li,...

  • 2015年CRI 中国对美国在南海的举动表示担忧

    The Chinese Defense Ministry has released a new statement, saying China is greatly concerned about the United States' push to militarize the South China Sea region. Ministry Spokesman Yang Yujun was speaking at a monthly press briefing. For a long ti...

  • 2015年CRI 北京申办2022年冬奥会获得国际支持

    Sochi has impressed the world with the 2014 Winter Olympics. And Russian Vice Sports Minister Yuriy Nagornyh points out that Beijing also has rich experience in hosting international sports events, and adds that this qualifies Beijing for the Winter...

  • 2015年CRI 中国和土耳其承诺相互支持密切合作

    Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with his Turkish counterpart on Wednesday in Beijing. He says he appreciates President Erdogan's stance over the relationship between China and Turkey. Honorable President, you paid three visits to China when y...
