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  • 跟踪者Stalker 第124期:审问成员 You realize you don't have anything to hold me on. 你手上根本没有证据 We're just talking, a civil chat. Would you like your lawyer present? 我们聊聊,纯聊天,要请你的律师来吗 I'm fine. 不用 Tell me, how'd you get into this
  • 跟踪者Stalker 第125期:审问成员(2) I know what you're doing. 我知道你在干什么 It's what you subraces try to do... Turn us against each other. 你们这些二等人种就会这招...想挑拨离间 He's not gonna break. 他不会开口 I don't know about that. Give here a minut
  • 跟踪者Stalker 第126期:更换目标 Criminal threat gets him 4 years. 恶意威胁能关他四年 All you've done is bought your victim a little breathing room. 你这么做只能给受害人一点苟延残喘的时间 There's something else. I think Chad was telling the truth about th
  • 跟踪者Stalker 第127期:报案的邻居 I'll get Mark. Larsen. 我去找马克。拉森 Do you have Mark? 你们找到马克了吗 Just landed. What do you got? 我们刚到,你们查到了什么 Howard Granger. Lives across the street at 10331 Sutter. 霍华德葛灵杰,住在对面街萨
  • 跟踪者Stalker 第128期:活捉嫌犯 You ok? Yeah. 你还好吗?没事 He came out of nowhere. 他突然冲出来了 Why are you protecting him? 你们为什么要保护他 Put the weapon down. 放下武器 He's a Skinhead! He's no better than me! 他是光头党!他不比我好!
  • 跟踪者Stalker 第129期:团圆结局 Hey, Ben. Really nice job today. 本。你今天的表现很棒 Thanks. Good night. 谢谢。晚安 Thank you. Mark's agreed to work with us. 谢谢。马克同意跟我们合作 Looks like he's gonna help put Chad away for good. 他会帮我们让查德
  • 跟踪者Stalker 第130期:奇怪的礼物 How do you feel? 你最近感觉如何 I feel better. We're out of time, 我感觉好多了。我们的时间快到了 but I...I want you to think about the expectations that you place on people. 但我希望你想想你对人们的期待 I think you
  • 跟踪者Stalker 第131期:焦虑不安的贝丝 First, you receive an unsigned sympathy card with a clipping of your sister and then this? 首先,你收到了附有你姐剪报的匿名慰问卡,然后又收到了这个 Someone's trying to tell me they know about my past. 有人想告诉我,他
  • 跟踪者Stalker 第132期:心理医生报案 Beth, I have Dr. Adam Lewis in the conference room. 贝丝,有位亚当路易斯医生在会议室等你 He's a psychiatrist, says he's being harassed by one of his patients. 他是个心理医生,声称他收到一名患者骚扰 You take it. 这案
  • 跟踪者Stalker 第133期:心理医生报案(2) It started as a simple crush, one-sided flirtatious banter. 开始只是单纯的迷恋,她单方面的挑逗 She began to dress for our sessions. I dealt with it directly. 她开始每次来之前都特地打扮。我当下就处理了那个问题
  • 跟踪者Stalker 第134期:精神分裂症 I wrote you a song. 我给你写了首歌 I want to play it, but first, you need to know that it was inspired by your eyes, 我想弹给你听,但首先你要知道,是你的眼睛激发了我的创作灵感 A soft blue like the ocean. 你的瞳孔
  • 跟踪者Stalker 第135期:克劳迪娅的家 Nobody's home. 没人在家 She made sure nobody could spy on her. 她确保没人能监视她 Door's unlocked. Your case, your call. 门没锁。你的案子,你说了算 We could justify entering on a wellness check. 我们可以以健康检查为名
  • 跟踪者Stalker 第136期:副警长出面调查 A card and a teddy bear. Did you run forensics on them? 一张卡片,一个泰迪熊。取证了吗 They haven't been processed, no. Why not? 还没开始取证。为什么呢 It's an abuse of power and a drain on department resources. 那样就是滥
  • 跟踪者Stalker 第137期:盘问克劳迪娅 Who are you? 你是谁 I'm Detective Janice Lawrence. I'm with the Threat Assessment Unit of the LAPD. 我是詹妮丝劳伦斯警探,任职于洛杉矶警局威胁评估部门 What happened? Why am I tied down? 发生了什么事?我为什么被绑
  • 跟踪者Stalker 第138期:盘问克劳迪娅(2) We found the note that you left for Dr. Lewis. 我们发现了你给路易斯医生留下的字条 Telling him that it was his fault, he drove you to it. 说这一切都是他的错,是他逼你自杀 It's not true! I never wrote that. 不是的,我