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  • 经济学人46:失去海岸线并未使埃塞俄比亚停止其海运的发展 Business 商业 Shipping in east Africa 东非海运 Ocean ahoy! 喂!大海 Losing its coast has not stopped Ethiopia developing its shipping 失去海岸綫并未使埃塞俄比亚停止其海运的发展 ETHIOPIA became landlocked in 1992, when i
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  • 经济学人48:机场安全 安检点的挑战 Business 商业 Airport security 机场安全 Checkpoint challenge 安检点的挑战 A former TSA boss wants to bring down the curtain on security theatre 前交通安全部长希望终止无用的安检措施 FLYING isn't fun any more, is a popular
  • 经济学人49:美国的企业管治 逐渐升温 Business 商业 Corporate governance in America 美国的企业管治 Heating up 逐渐升温 Shareholders are ever more willing to vote against management 股东永远愿意对管理者投反对票 TWENTY years ago Bob Monks bought an ad in the Wall
  • 经济学人50:美貌与职场 漂亮有罪吗? Business 商业 Physical attractiveness and careers 美貌与职场 Don't hate me because I'm beautiful 漂亮有罪吗? Attractive women should not include a photo with a job application 长得漂亮的女性不应该在投递简历时附上照片
  • 经济学人51:囚住野猫 切萨皮克能源 Business 商业 Physical attractiveness and careers 美貌与职场 Don't hate me because I'm beautiful 漂亮有罪吗? Attractive women should not include a photo with a job application 长得漂亮的女性不应该在投递简历时附上照片
  • 经济学人52:生物技术专利 被缚的普罗米修斯 Business 商业 Patenting biology 生物技术专利 Prometheus unsound 被缚的普罗米修斯 America's Supreme Court wallops the biotech industry 美国最高法院沉重打击生物技术产业 PATENTS are supposed to encourage innovation, not s
  • 经济学人53:硅谷知识产权之争 Java丛林大战 Business 商业 Patenting biology 生物技术专利 Prometheus unsound 被缚的普罗米修斯 America's Supreme Court wallops the biotech industry 美国最高法院沉重打击生物技术产业 PATENTS are supposed to encourage innovation, not s
  • 经济学人54:美国企业治理 代理权争夺战升温 Business 商业 Corporate governance in America 美国企业治理 Heating up 代理权争夺战升温 Shareholders are ever more willing to vote against management 股东们比以前更愿意投管理层的反对票 TWENTY years ago Bob Monks bought
  • 经济学人55:体貌魅力和事业 美丽不是错 Business 商业 Physical attractiveness and careers 体貌魅力和事业 Don't hate me because I'm beautiful 美丽不是错 Attractive women should not include a photo with a job application 魅力女性不应在其申请表中添加照片 AT WORK,
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  • 经济学人57:美国快捷药方公司与美可保健 Business 商业 Express Scripts and Medco 美国快捷药方公司与美可保健 Bigger means cheaper 越大越便宜 A new drugs manager may change the way Americans pop their pills 全新的药物管理者可能改变美国人购买药品的方式
  • 经济学人58:商标欺诈 闭上你的臭嘴 Business 商业 Trademark bullying 商标欺诈 Shut your kale-hole 闭上你的臭嘴 What's in a name, anyway? 无论如何,商标中能有什么呢? CHICK-FIL-A sells an average of nine sandwiches per second at its roughly 1,600 restaurants. 托
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  • 经济学人60:强强联合 快递公司前景大好 Science and Technolgy 科技 What dinosaurs ate 恐龙吃什么 The belly of the beast 腹中发现 A chance discovery from China suggests some dinosaurs lived in trees 在中国的一次偶然发现暗示着有些恐龙在树上生活 WHAT dinosaurs