加比:睁开眼睛看清楚吧!这不是什么和鲍勃的高尔夫之行,这是赤裸裸的勾引。 卡洛斯:真的假的?好极了,我正打算这周末变成基佬呢。 Gaby: Hey, hon. We have to take the girls shoe shopping this w
旁白:是的,生活中有很多方法会让我们感到难堪,但确定能赢回尊严的方式,是得到一直渴望的东西。 Voice-over: Humiliation...It's not always something we can avoid. We may have wives who insult our masculinity.
加比:当然,你是最懂墨西哥风情的,你念R时会卷舌,你还把足球叫做橄榄球。 卡洛斯:我为民族文化感到自豪,而你竟然取笑我? Voice-over: Thanksgiving--it's a time for defrosting turkeys...For visiti
贝斯:我今天在店里碰到一个女人,我告诉她我嫁给了你,她说你杀了玛莎胡博。 保罗:我不是让你别理会这些流言蜚语吗? Paul:Something wrong? Beth: No. Paul:You sure? You seem like you were a million mil
贝斯:爸爸在我很小的时候就离开了,从那之后,妈妈说,我们没有任何值得感恩的东西。 Beth: I love the stuffing. Paul: Are you sure? Not too dry? Beth: No. It's yummy. Hmm. Did you use pecans? Paul: Yes. It's my mot
贝斯:他发誓说没杀害她。 费利西亚.蒂尔曼:而你竟然信以为真!我要你搬出那栋房子。 Felicia Tillman:How's it going? What have you found out? Beth: Nothing. He still insists he didn't do it. Felicia Tillman:Clearly, i
Voice: Once a year, we remember to stop and count our blessings. We give thanks for the friends who understand us...The lovers who makes us happy...The children who do our bidding...Yes, we must always be thankful for what we've been given...even if
加比:带她去哪?逃亡吗?还是四处躲藏?你这是要害格雷斯,但在这里她就能要啥有啥,就像胡安妮塔一样。 卡门:这样她就能刁蛮任性,旁若无人了?就像胡安妮塔一样。 Gaby: Hey, Carmen
加比:只是假设,这个女儿能被其他家庭收养吗?如果有人匿名检举了这位母亲。 鲍伯:是的,只要收养人不是举报人,因为从假设来说,她会不得好死的。 Gaby: Hey,There's my favorite lawyer. As
卡门:我不会有事的,我爱你,快去!他们要带我走了,我需要你照顾好我的孩子。 加比:你哪也不去! Gaby: Grace,you want to go to the kitchen for a little bit? Grace: Why? Gaby: Maybe make yourself a snack. You
加比:告诉你点东西吧,格雷斯,我小时候和你一样,没有很多漂亮东西,但那些都是无法阻止我追寻我想要的梦。你记住这点,知道吗? Gaby: It's been so wonderful getting to know you. Grace: You,too,Mrs
Voice-over: It's a question we all ask ourselves...Do I trust the people who live next door? Will that couple across the street be there when I need them? Can I count on the woman who lives down the block? Yes,good neighbors are people we can rely on
旁白:我们知道他们长什么样,知道他们穿着怪异,了解他们举止粗鲁。是的,我们一眼就能认出那些心术不正的人,一旦看见他们走近,为了保护自己,我们什么都做得出来。 Voice-over: We
旁白:带着这份坚定,我的朋友们行动起来组织保罗.杨。他也知道她们会出这招,但他满不在乎。他真该在乎的,保罗忘了,平凡的人们为了保护自己不受坏人伤害,将不惜一切代价。 Bree:
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