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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>《绝望的主妇》精讲>


  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲106 加比:我希望你别再跑到我房间里玩了。听明白了吗? 胡安妮塔:我反而更喜欢你哭的时候。 Juanita: Mommy? Why are you crying? Gaby: Oh, just...having a sad day. Juanita: You've been having a lot of sad days. Is it b
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲107 加比:你是我唯一知道失去过亲骨肉的女人。格雷斯走了之后,我变得多愁善感。我会情不自禁地在超市或商场哭起来。我快把自己逼疯了。 Lynette: Hey, Mitzi, it's Lynette. Um, still haven't heard from
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲108 胡安妮塔:格雷斯是你的女儿,是吗?所以她走了以后你一直那么伤心。你爱她多过爱我。 Gaby: I'm going outside to watch the protect. Stay in your room and look after your sister. Oh, don't get into those cookies I ma
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲109 Voice-over: It was just before sunrise on Winsteria Lane. You could no longer hear the screams of frighted by standers, or the angry chanting of protesters, or the cries for help from the injured. There were just the footsteps of a man, who had final
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲110 旁白:是的,保罗杨中枪一案,警方的嫌疑犯众多,但他的妻子只怀疑一人。 Voice-Over:Something happened in the suburbs last night. A man was shot outside his home. Detectives were called to investigate. And they soon lear
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲111 医生:通常是可以,但以你的情况,有点复杂,另一只已经畸形了。 苏珊:好吧,我不会带它去参加什么肾选美大赛的。 Voice-over: It's something we need to be reminded of whenever our world has been turned u
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲112 心理医生:胡安妮塔说你有她的照片,她的手工制品还放在你家的冰箱上。 卡洛斯:你是说把那些都扔了吗? Psychiatrist: Juanita, if you'd like to go through the magazines, I'll talk to your mom and dad for a mi
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲113 卡洛斯:胡安妮塔现在很痛苦,你还没发现吗?她不再是那个快乐的小女孩了,因为你没有好好保护她。 Carlos: Gaby! Gaby: What? Carlos:What are these photos of Grace still doing here? Gaby: Oh. Right. Sorry. Carlo
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲114 警察:我们调查了一下你太太的背景,你为什么没告诉我们,她母亲曾试图以谋杀陷害你?我们也知道,她现在在监狱里,但是菲丽莎蒂尔曼曾大费周章来伤害过你,你觉不觉得她有可能参与
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲115 汤姆.斯卡沃雪藏了20年的秘密,他曾和老婆的好朋友上过床,汤姆觉得秘密不再重要。但他的妻子,刚刚知道这个秘密,感觉大不相同。 Voice-over: Tom scavo had a 20-year-old secret. He had once slept wit
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲116 旁白:我们每天擦家而过,我们能感觉到他们的孤立无援,但我们就这样路过了,并且告诉自己,我们无能为力。虽然自知,这是谎言。 Voiceover: We pass by these people every day. We sense their isolatio
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲117 布瑞来看望正在苦闷中的贝斯... Beth:Hi! Bree: I-I haven't seen you out in a while, so I thought I'd stop by and see how you were doing. Beth: What do you really want? Bree: Well,I talked to reverend sykes yesterday, and he tells me that y
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲118 胡安妮塔和西莉亚发现加比藏在柜子里的布娃娃,就拿来蹂躏玩耍。岂不知这是加比的秘密,布娃娃象征着离去的亲生女儿格雷斯。加比发现后大发雷霆... Gaby: That was fun. I've been kind of down la
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲119 加比把被破坏的洋娃娃送到商店修理,她咨询店员,自己这样痴迷娃娃是否正常... Shopkeeper: Oh,dear. This is why people should never let children play with dolls. But don't worry. I'll have princess valerie all sewn up an
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲120 店员对加比讲了自己洋娃娃的故事,并告诉加比,娃娃最大的优点是,她们永远不会离开你... Shopkeeper: Let me introduce you to someone. This is Mrs. Humphries. I saw her in a window in a tiny shop in ohio and fell in