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  • 《童话镇》第322期:彼特之死 Where's Mary? Come on, girl. Wake up. We best bar the door. 玛丽哪去了 醒醒吧 姑娘 我们得把门拴好 If Mary's not back by now, she'll have to take her chances. 如果玛丽现在还不回来 就得碰运气了 She's in no danger. 她没有
  • 《童话镇》第323期:真正的狼人 I don't know what I am. 我真不知自己算什么 It's gonna be all right. We can figure out what happened now. 没事的 我们现在能查明真相了 Ruby, you did good. 干得好 鲁比 This is doing good? 这叫干得好吗 It's amazing. First
  • 《童话镇》第324期:寻找小红帽 That story you told... 你讲的那个故事... That was her grandfather. He marked me that night, then came back, found me, turned me. 是她外公 他那晚给我留下了印记 然后回来 找到了我 转化了我 Turned you. You're... Granny? H
  • 《童话镇》第325期:小红帽知道真相 What's going on? why do we run? 出什么事了 我们为什么跑 Don't you hear them? 你没听到吗 We have to go. 我们得快跑 Go? I don't understand. 为什么要跑 No, I'll explain it later. We must hurry. 我待会儿再解释 我们得抓紧
  • 《童话镇》第326期:鲁比与外婆和好 You here to tell me more about your fine new job? 是来跟我夸你新工作吗 I want to come back. Why? You were pretty mad. 我想回来工作 为什么 你当时不是很生气吗 I wasn't mad.Looked like mad from here. 我没生气 依我看就像
  • 《童话镇》第327期:真为你骄傲 I wanna do something that makes me happy. Somewhere I love. 我要做份让我开心的工作 在我喜欢的地方工作 Look... just so you know, I wanted you to do the books and everything so you could take over when I retire, own the whole place.
  • 《童话镇》第328期:一颗人类心脏 What is it? Did you find her? 怎么了 你找到她了吗 We found a box. 我们找到一个匣子 Wait. Wait. What does that mean? 等等 这什么意思 We think it... We think that she... What? There was a human heart inside it. 我们认为...我们
  • 《童话镇》第328期:一颗人类心脏 What is it? Did you find her? 怎么了 你找到她了吗 We found a box. 我们找到一个匣子 Wait. Wait. What does that mean? 等等 这什么意思 We think it... We think that she... What? There was a human heart inside it. 我们认为...我们
  • 《童话镇》第329期:玛丽含冤入狱 Red, look out. 小红帽,当心! We need to move, they found us. 该走了,他们发现我们了。 Go. I'll take care of them. 你先走 我来对付他们 Red, I'm not leaving you. 小红帽 我不会丢下你不管的 Find Snow. That's all t
  • 《童话镇》第330期:白雪公主的下落 We can't even move forward till we verify the heart belonged to Kathryn, and I am still waiting for the DNA test results. 如果不能确定那颗心是凯思琳的就不能有任何行动 我还在等DNA测试结果 But in the meantime, you need to
  • 《童话镇》第331期:白雪公主的变化 Your friends have asked me to be here tonight. 你的朋友们请我来的 They're concerned about you and they have something they'd like to say. 他们很担心你并且有话想对你说 Grumpy, why don't you start? 爱生气 要不你先开始 Sn
  • 《童话镇》第332期:复仇不是解决之道 The portion was the solution, not the problem. 药水是解药,而不是问题。 The problem is that I'm living here, in a house full of dwarves instead of in my palace, with my father, as a princess, 问题在于我住在这里 跟一群矮人住在
  • 《童话镇》第333期:审问玛丽 Hello, Ms. Blanchard? 你好,布兰切特女士 What is she doing here? 她在这做什么 She asked to be here as a third party to make sure that I stay impartial. 她要求作为第三方在场以确保我能公正不阿 It can only help you. 这样
  • 《童话镇》第334期:玛丽身上的疑点 I can only imagine what losing David Nolan did to you. 难以想象失去戴维诺兰给你的创伤 But I haven't changed.I'm still the same person I've always been, a good person. I did not do this. 可是我没变 我还是那个我 一个好人 这
  • 《童话镇》第335期:来自白雪公主的威胁 Do you know what a diamond is? 你知道钻石是什么吗 It's the strongest substance known to man or beast beautiful, precious, nearly impervious to destruction. Nearly. 那是这世界上最坚硬的物质 美丽夺目 珍贵无比 几乎坚不可摧