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  • 英国卫报:人类的感官重要吗?该如何修复?(9)

    The cookery writer Diana Henry has written frankly of how she released herself from a destructive cycle of yo-yo dieting, which she calls the whole deprivation/rebellion, eating too little/overindulging rollercoaster. 烹饪作家戴安娜亨利曾坦率...

  • 英国卫报:人类的感官重要吗?该如何修复?(8)

    It is one element in a process that Prof Barry Popkin has called the nutrition transition, which has happened all over the world as countries undergo economic development, and has transformed how and what people eat almost everywhere. 这是巴里波普...

  • 英国卫报:人类的感官重要吗?该如何修复?(7)

    In the UK we used to do something similar with a variety of apples called Coxs Orange Pippin. 在英国,我们曾经用一种叫考克斯苹果(桔平)做过类似的事情。 You would shake the apple, and if it was ripe the seeds would make a...

  • 英国卫报:人类的感官重要吗?该如何修复?(6)

    Asifa Majid, a professor of psychology at the University of York and a leading expert on olfactory language, has said that smell used to be considered a mute sense compared with sight because English speakers have far fewer words for describing smell...

  • 英国卫报:人类的感官重要吗?该如何修复?(5)

    The following summer I brought peaches into another classroom, this time with year 4 classes. 第二年夏天,我把桃子带到了另一间教室,这一次是四年级。 One nine-year-old girl stared blankly at the fruit and told me she was sur...

  • 英国卫报:人类的感官重要吗?该如何修复?(4)

    I first became aware of the extent to which a sensory disconnect from fresh food has become normal when I started conducting taste education sessions with children in British schools a few years ago. 几年前,当我开始在英国学校对孩子们进...

  • 英国卫报:人类的感官重要吗?该如何修复?(3)

    A 2020 paper analysing the self-reported experiences of long Covid sufferers on a Facebook group gave a sense of how the joy gets sucked out of food for those who cant smell. 2020年的一篇论文分析了脸书上长期感染新冠病毒的患者的自...

  • 英国卫报:人类的感官重要吗?该如何修复?(2)

    The pandemic revealed what a blind spot our culture has about our own senses, especially our sense of smell. 这场流行病揭示了我们的文化对我们自己的感官,特别是我们的嗅觉存在盲点。 Never before has the loss of a huma...

  • 英国卫报:人类的感官重要吗?该如何修复?(1)

    How we lost our sensory connection with food -- and how to restore it 我们如何失去与食物的感官联系的--以及该如何恢复 This is going to sound weird, but I want you to look closely for a moment at your thumbs. 这听起来会很奇怪...

  • 英国卫报:肯尼亚的学校有河马和鳄鱼出没(8)

    In Loruk, a town next to Lake Baringo, I had met a man named Wesley Jeptumo, who complained that apart from a Red Cross team that had arrived to take photos of the flooding, no one had come to help. 在巴林戈湖旁边的洛鲁克(Loruk)镇,我...

  • 英国卫报:肯尼亚的学校有河马和鳄鱼出没(7)

    The elders had noticed the lake increasing in size, and through their fishing expeditions, they knew that it was becoming deeper, too. 长者们注意到湖水越来越大,通过他们的捕鱼活动,他们知道湖水也越来越深。 They told...

  • 英国卫报:肯尼亚的学校有河马和鳄鱼出没(6)

    A common theory I heard was that, as the Rift valley separates, fresh groundwater has been brought to these lakes from a previously unknown underground aquifer. 我听到的一个常见的理论是,随着大裂谷的分离,新鲜的地下水从以前...

  • 英国卫报:肯尼亚的学校有河马和鳄鱼出没(5)

    One of the children who had guided us into the school said that a hippo usually sleeps next to one of the classrooms. 带领我们进入学校的一个孩子说,河马经常睡在教室旁边。 I asked him if it sleeps inside. 我问他它是不是睡...

  • 英国卫报:肯尼亚的学校有河马和鳄鱼出没(4)

    A few local schools had received donations from the national government and from charities, but Okeyo dismissed these as pitiful: a few tents, and some corrugated iron sheets for building classrooms. 一些当地学校收到了来自国家政府和慈善...

  • 英国卫报:肯尼亚的学校有河马和鳄鱼出没(3)

    Kenyas lakes are vital to the countrys people, economy and wildlife. 肯尼亚的湖泊对该国的人民、经济和野生动物都至关重要。 A few are salt lakes, which sustain abundant marine and bird life -- among them, flamingos, endangered...
