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  • 英国新闻听力 布鲁塞尔发生连环爆炸案 Police are conducting a massive operation across Belgium following the attacks at the main airport in Brussels and at a metro station. More than 30 people died in 3 blasts. 250 others were wounded. Security officials have released images of a man wan
  • 英国新闻听力 奥巴马承诺解密与阿根廷政变相关旧情 Belgian prosecutors have confirmed that they have identified two of the four men who carried out Tuesday's suicide attacks in Brussels. The identified men are Belgian citizens and brothers Khalid and Brahim Bakraoui. From Brussels, here is Chris Morr
  • 英国新闻听力 比利时确认布鲁塞尔袭击案凶手身份 French and Belgium officials say one of the suicide bombers involved in Tuesday's deadly Brussels airport attack was involved in making the bombs used in last November's Paris attacks. The officials speaking off the records say DNA from Najim Laachra
  • 英国新闻听力 巴黎举行反恐行动 French police have launched an anti-terror operation in the northwest of Paris following the arrest of a man accused of planning an attack in France. Police have been searching a block of flats in the suburb of Argenteuil. Hugh Schofield repots from
  • 英国新闻听力 布鲁塞尔恐袭2名嫌疑人被捕 Belgian police have arrested six people in Brussels as a major investigation continues into Tuesday's suicide attacks. The US Secretary of State John Kerry is due to travel to Brussels today to discuss security and express his condolences amid report
  • 英国新闻听力 巴基斯坦公园现人弹 More than 70 people including 29 children are now known to have died in a suicide bombing in the Pakistani city of Lahore. The bomber detonated explosives near a playground in a park where Christians gathered for Easter Sunday. Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, a spl
  • 英国新闻听力 华盛顿举行核安全峰会 The United States Justice Department is dropping its legal action against Apple 美司法部撤销对苹果诉讼, saying it is cracking encryption on a smartphone used by one of the radical Islamists who shot dead 14 people in San Bernardino last
  • 英国新闻听力 巴西总统恐难逃弹劾命运 The biggest party in Brazil's governing coalition has pulled out of president Dilma Rousseff's administration, making it more likely that she will face impeachment. 巴西最大政党退出执政联盟,总统罗塞夫弹劾或不可避免。 The mo
  • 英国新闻听力 特朗普堕胎言论惹批评 Just hours after saying that women who have a termination should be published if abortion is criminalized in the United States, the Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump has changed his position. In an interview with the MSMBC news channel, Mr
  • 英国新闻听力 哥伦比亚和第二大叛军准备和谈 Hello.Just hours after saying that women who have a termination should be published if abortion is recriminalized in the United States, the Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump has changed his position. In a statement, he now says the doctor
  • 英国新闻听力 国家主席习近平出席核安全峰会 The Supreme Court in Brazil has ruled that it will hear a politically sensitive corruption case against former president Lula da Silva rather than have it dealt with by a federal judge leading an anti-corruption probe. President Rousseff is due to fa
  • 英国新闻听力 朝鲜向半岛东部海域再发一枚导弹 The South Korean military says North Korea fired another missile off its east coast into the sea just as president Obama hosts the summit in Washington on global nuclear security. The missile launch was the latest in a series carried out by Pyongyang
  • 英国新闻听力 新西兰前总理竞聘联合国秘书长 A special Indian court has sentenced 47 police officers to life in prison for killing ten Sikh pilgrims 25 years ago and then lying in an attempt to justify the shootings. Jill McGivering reports. This high profile case dates back to 1991. A group of
  • 英国新闻听力 克鲁兹赢下威斯康星州初选 The Republican contender in the US presidential race senator Ted Cruz has won the Wisconsin primary eroding the Republican front-runner Donald Trumps' lead. The Wisconsin result has been seen as a test for Mr. Trump whose campaign in the past week ha
  • 英国新闻听力 安哥拉向国际货币基金组织请求援助 Cyprus says it has agreed to an Egyptian request to extradite Seif al-Din Mohamed Mostafa, an Egyptian national accused of hijacking an Egypt air flight to the island last week. Aileen Young reports. The suspect identified as Seif al-Din Mohamed Most