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  • 英国新闻听力 朝鲜声称首次成功测试爆炸一枚氢弹 North Korea has said that it has for the first time successfully tested a hydrogen bomb. The announcement was made on state television. 朝鲜声称首次成功测试爆炸一枚氢弹,国家电视台发表了该声明, It came hours after a trem
  • 英国新闻听力 安理会准备起草制裁朝鲜新措施 The UN Security Council has agreed to start work immediately on drawing up news anctions against North Korea following its claim to have tested a hydrogen bomb. There is skepticism that Pyongyang's latest nuclear test, the fourth in adecade, was powe
  • 英国新闻听力 中国股市一周内第二次暂停交易 Hello, the trading on China's stock market has been suspended for the second day this week after prices plunged by more than 7%. An automatic shutdown was triggered less than an hour after business opened, Steve Evens reports from Beijing. After the
  • 英国新闻听力 韩国重启对朝鲜的广播喊话 Shares on China's main stock market have fluctuated sharply in the hours of trading since the country's security's regulator lifted the safe mechanism introduced to prevent sharp falls. 自从中国证监会取消意在阻止股价骤跌的熔断机制
  • 英国新闻听力 证监会暂停熔断机制 The United Nations says the Syrian government has agreed to allow humanitarian aid to the besieged town of Madaya where people are reported to have died from starvation. Madaya, near the Lebanese border, has been surrounded by government troops and t
  • 英国新闻听力 地方广播台等媒体引发的思考 Good Morning In what seemed an act of self-effacement on the part of Radio 4 last Wednesday Justin Webb told listeners affected by the stormy weather to tune into their local radio stations! Well, here I am in the studios of BBC Radio York. But only
  • 英国新闻听力 对奥巴马国情咨文演讲的思考 It's always a difficult speech, with time running out to propose a legislative agenda... Instead, as well as delivering a robust defence of his legacy, he returned to the language of his presidential campaign, with a speech focused around hope. Polit
  • 英国新闻听力 潘基文称用饥饿作为武器是战争罪行 The head of World Athletics Sabastian Coe says the sports governing body faces a long road before it will be trusted again. He was speaking after a report by the World Anti-doping agency said corruption was embedded in the IAAF. If we do not resolve,
  • 英国新闻听力 雅加达市中心遭恐怖袭击 The BBC has heard claims that Turkey is breaking international law by deporting Syrian refugees back to Syria. Refugees told a BBC investigation that Syrians who are trying to cross from Turkey into Greece were detained and returned to Syria against
  • 英国新闻听力 世卫组织宣告西非的埃博拉疫情结束 A group with links to so called Islamic State says it carried out the extended gun and bomb assault in the center of the Indonesian capital Jakarta. For almost 3 hours, police battle militants at locations including a Starbucks cafe, a shopping mall,
  • 英国新闻听力 对伊朗和美国外交进展的感想 Over recent days we have witnessed some of the most intricate diplomacy. The announcement that Iran had met its initial obligations under the nuclear agreement signed last July, is a triumph. Its all a far cry from the usual blows traded between Iran
  • 英国新闻听力 中国宣称去年经济增长达到6.9% China has announced that its economy grew by 6.9% last year. The figure was in line with expectations, but it's the slowest rate of growth for the world's second largest economy in 25 years. Karishma Vaswani reports. How China performs economically i
  • 英国新闻听力 萨拉·佩林表示支持特朗普 The former governor of US state of Alaska Sarah Palin has given her support to Donald Trump in his campaign to be the Republican Party's presidential candidate. She praised Mr. Trump's values as a father and community leader, and said he could change
  • 英国新闻听力 融合不仅仅意味着语言的学习 The last country I visited where I couldnt speak the language was Poland. Yes, most people spoke in English and communication was hardly a struggle but it still made me realise how dependent I was on others to translate occasionally, and the way this
  • 英国新闻听力 特朗普在共和党内唱反调 Barack Obama and Raul Castro have sparred over human rights and the US trade embargo at a tense press conference on the second day of the US president's visit to Cuba. 奥巴马访古第二天,就人权和贸易禁运问题,奥巴马与卡斯特罗