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  • 英国新闻听力 苏丹总统表示任期结束时下台 Panama has decided to set up a special commission in the aftermath of the leak of millions of documents from the law firm Mossack Fonseca. 在莫萨克.冯赛卡律师事务所发生数百万文件泄露事件后,巴拿马决定成立专门委员会来
  • 英国新闻听力 比利时通缉第三名机场恐袭嫌犯 The Syrian rebel forces have pushed militants of IS group out of a strategic town in northern Syria after days of heavy fighting. Lina Sinjab is in neighboring Lebanon. Moderate rebel fighters from the Free Syrian Army have succeeded pushing IS milit
  • 英国新闻听力 世行公布最新"气候变化行动计划" Syrian rebel forces have pushed militants of the Islamic state group out of astrategic town in northern Syria after days of heavy fighting. The town of al-Rai in Aleppo province has been a stronghold for IS as it sits on a border crossing linking Tur
  • 英国新闻听力 马其顿边境难民欲强闯铁丝网 The medical charity MSF says that around 300 migrants were hurt when Macedonian police fired tear gas and stun grenades at crowds trying to break through from Greece. An MSF official said 200 migrants were treated for breathing problems, 30 for wound
  • 英国新闻听力 巴西正式启动弹劾罗塞夫 The British prime minister David Cameron has announced new measures to make it harder for people to hide the proceeds of corruption in offshore accounts. Most British overseas territories that had tax havens will now share information with the UK aut
  • 英国新闻听力 联合国遴选秘书长公开透明 The Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff has accused her deputy of plotting her down for and has branded him a traitor. 巴西总统罗塞夫指责副总统制造阴谋诡计,并称其为叛徒。 Ms. Rousseff, who faces impeachment vote on Sunday, s
  • 英国新闻听力 韩国执政党在国会选举中失败 A video sent to the Nigerian government by the Islamist group Boko Haram appears to prove that some of the 276 girls kidnapped two years ago in the town of Chibok are still alive. 伊斯兰博科圣地组织发给尼日利亚政府的一段视频似乎
  • 英国新闻听力 欧洲大国决定一致打击避税天堂 The five largest European economies have agreed to work together to combat tax evasions and have urged other members of the G20 to follow their example. 五个最大的欧洲经济体决定协同一致打击逃税现象,并敦促二十国集团中的
  • 英国新闻听力 中国一季度GDP同比增长6.7% In a feisty televised debate, the U.S. Democratic presidential contenders, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, have clashed on issues as diverse as Wall Street banks, gun control and the minimum wage. 在一场电视辩论中,就华尔街,枪控以
  • 英国新闻听力 厄瓜多尔遭遇数十年来最强地震 Members of the lower house of Congress in Brazil are voting on whether to approve impeachment proceedings against President Dilma Rousseff. With nearly half of votes cast, her opponents are leading by a wide margin. The opposition must win 2/3 of the
  • 英国新闻听力 总统罗塞夫将与"政变"斗争到底 The Workers' Party of the Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff has promised to continue its fight to defend her in the streets and in the senate after the lower house of congress voted for her to be impeached. MPs approved the move by the necessary 2/3
  • 英国新闻听力 纽约州初选特朗普希拉里胜出 Brazil's president Dilma Rousseff has said she felt indignant and wronged by the decision of the lower house of congress to go ahead with impeachment proceedings against her. She's rejected claims that she manipulated budget figures to help secure he
  • 英国新闻听力 老卡现身古巴第七次全国代表大会 Voters in New York are taking part in presidential primaries seen as key for both front runners after recent setbacks. The Democratic Party hopeful Hillary Clinton, former senator for New York, is expected to beat Bernie Sanders. Mrs. Clinton spoke t
  • 英国新闻听力 英国女王庆祝90岁生辰 A court in Norway has upheld a claim of inhumane treatment brought by the mass murderer Anesh Brawick who killed 77 people in a gun and bomb rampage five years ago. 大屠杀凶手布雷维克称自己在监狱内受到不人道待遇,挪威法庭支
  • 英国新闻听力 大众召回美国多款汽车 An explosion at a petrochemical plant in southeastern Mexico has killed 3 people and injured more than 1030. 墨西哥东南部一座石油化工厂发生爆炸,造成3人死亡,超过1030人受伤。 The plant is a part owned by Mexico's state o