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  • 看老友记学英语 我要跟丹尼约会咯

    Oh,my God. Here's Danny. 天啊,丹尼在那边 Just watch this. 你们看 See? Still pretending he's not interested. 看见没?还在假装对我没兴趣 He's coming over. Pretend we've forgotten who he is. 他走过来了,大家装不认识他...

  • 看老友记学英语 最会唬人的菲比

    Hey,you guys! Guess what? 告诉你们 The British are coming? 英国人要打来啦? Oh,you and your ways. 你的笑话真冷 Since it's Christmas, I'm going to be collecting donations. 耶诞节快到了 我要负责去乐捐募款 I have my bell...

  • 看老友记学英语 你吃饱撑着啊?

    What are you doing? -I reorganized the fridge. 你在做什么? 我重新整理过冰箱 See? Bottom shelf, meats and dairy. Middle shelf,fruits and vegetables. 最底下放肉跟奶制品 中间放水果蔬菜 And top shelf,expired products. 最上面...

  • 看老友记学英语 无奈背黑锅的乔伊

    This was really fun. 今天真有意思 I've been wondering if you'd ask me out. 我本来还怀疑你会不会约我 So you still wondering? 你还在怀疑吗? No. We just went out. 我们已经去约会啦 You're smart. 你真聪明 I like that....

  • 看老友记学英语 对人耍狠就能呼风唤雨?

    Your note? 你那张纸条 Amazing! 真是了不起 Not only did no one touch my sandwich... 不但没人敢碰我的三明治 ...but people at work are actually afraid of me. 而且还开始对我敬畏三分 A guy called me Mental. 还有人叫我疯...

  • 看老友记学英语 菲比的手段

    What's wrong,buddy? 你怎么啦? Someone at work ate my sandwich. 有同事偷吃我的三明治 What did the police say? 条子怎么说? My Thanksgiving leftover sandwich. 那是感恩节剩下的三明治 I can't believe someone ate it. 竟然给...

  • 看老友记学英语 《呼啸山庄》引发的姐妹芥蒂

    The Bronte sisters were remarkable women for their time. 布朗蒂姐妹是当代的杰出女性 They lived in a patriarchal society. 当时是父系社会 Sorry I'm late, but I left late. 抱歉迟到,因为我太晚出门 So,what is the book abou...

  • 看老友记学英语 谁偷吃了我的三明治

    What's wrong,buddy? 你怎么啦? Someone at work ate my sandwich. 有同事偷吃我的三明治 What did the police say? 条子怎么说? My Thanksgiving leftover sandwich. 那是感恩节剩下的三明治 I can't believe someone ate it. 竟然给...

  • 看老友记学英语 脱口而出我爱你

    I can't believe this. -I said I was sorry. 我真不敢相信 钱德,我都道歉了 Sorry doesn't bring back the piggy that cried all the way home. 道歉也换不回 我那思乡情切的小趾尖 It figures that something like this would happen...

  • 看老友记学英语 “冰上拇趾秀”闹剧

    Twenty-year-old male. 什么状况? 20岁男性 He's got a severed toe on his right foot. 右脚拇趾被切到 Could you please not do that feet first? 别撞到他的脚好吗? You know where his injury is. Severed toe,you just said it! 你明知...
