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  • 2020年经济学人 从疫情前到居家后(2)

    Yet although offices will not disappear, it is hard to imagine that working life will return to BC ways. For more than a century workers have stuffed themselves onto crowded trains and buses, or endured traffic jams, to get into the office, and back,...

  • 2020年经济学人 一周要闻 欧洲多国开放边境 美洲国家成重灾区 俄罗斯疫情仍然

    By contrast, other European countries started to reopen their borders. Germany said it would lift warnings and allow its citizens to travel abroad from June 15th; it is pushing neighbouring countries to agree on common standards for social distancing...

  • 2020年经济学人 一周要闻 英国放松封锁限制 "跪杀"黑人4名警察被解雇

    The world this week 本周国际要闻 Politics 政治 The Japanese government lifted restrictions in the last remaining prefectures under lockdown. It also unveiled a second stimulus, worth $1trn. 日本政府解除了对最后几个被封锁的县的...

  • 2020年经济学人 经济统计学——危机措施(2)

    America's GDP was first estimated to have fallen at an annual rate of 3.8% in the fourth quarter of 2008, compared with the previous three months. 在2008年,初步预测,与前个三月相比,美国第四季度GDP增长率下降将3.8%。 That...

  • 2020年经济学人 马什皮·万帕诺亚格部落的保留地危机(2)

    In 2018 the Department of Interior reversed thedecision to recognise the reservation, rolling backthe interpretation of what is an indian. They'renot supposed to change the roles on you mid-game, says Heather Sibbison of Dentons, the tribe's lawfirm....

  • 2020年经济学人 经济统计学——危机措施(1)

    An air-conditioner that overheats in hot weather, or an insurance policy that fails to pay out after a natural disaster: 天气炎热时过热的空调,或者是自然灾害后无法获赔的保险单: some things do not work as expected, just wh...

  • 2020年经济学人 从疫情前到居家后(1)

    Business 商业版块 Bartleby 巴托比栏目 From BC to AD 从疫情前到居家后。 Working life has entered a new era 工作生活进入新纪元。 On March 16th Bartleby left the offices of The Economist to head home.That was the last day whe...

  • 2020年经济学人 《哈布斯堡家族》书评--异类(1)

    Books arts 来自文艺版块 Book review 书评 European history 欧洲历史 A breed apart 异类 The Habsburgs. By Martyn Rady. 《哈布斯堡家族》,作者:马丁雷迪 There were early hints that the union of Philip of Habsburg with Juana...

  • 2020年经济学人 爱尔兰女诗人伊万·博兰德(4)

    Just two people's deaths, how they had lived, what they had suffered, And what there is between a man and woman. And in which darkness it can best be proved. Such themes were inevitable, for her discovery of her woman's voice in poetry was meshed to...

  • 2020年经济学人 健康数据与隐私(2)

    The research was carried out by studying the medical records of some 17m people on the books of gps in England and the 5,683 covid-attributable deaths therein. 这项研究是通过研究英国全科医生名册上约1700万人的医疗记录和5683例...

  • 2020年经济学人 全球经济(2)

    The first bubble is due to come to life on May 15th between Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, among Europes best performers in taming the virus. 第一个圈将于5月15日在爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚和立陶宛之间出现,这些国家是欧洲在遏...

  • 2020年经济学人 健康数据与隐私(1)

    Science technology 科技 Health data and privacy 健康数据与隐私 The pandemic has sparked a new way to study sensitive medical records 大流行引发了一种研究敏感病历的新方法 On may 7th an article appeared on medRxiv, an online...

  • 2020年经济学人 全球经济(1)

    Finance economics 财经 The global economy 全球经济 A good kind of bubble 良好的圈 As some countries contain the virus more successfully than others, could travel zones offer a route to economic recovery? 一些国家比其他国家更成功地...

  • 2020年经济学人 疫情下的硅谷(2)

    Some vcs expect workforces to shrink by 15% on average, adding up to total job losses in excess of 125,000. 一些风投公司预计员工数量将平均减少15%,裁员总数将超过12.5万人。 Yet Silicon Valley's denizens are not ones to dwel...

  • 2020年经济学人 一周要闻 中国4月汽车销量同比增长4.4% 腾讯疫情中迎机遇 英国

    The British government extended its pay-protection plan until October, through which furloughed workers receive 80% of their wages subject to a salary cap. But the government said that in the summer it would ask companies to start sharing the schemes...
