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  • 真爱-真爱是自然的到来(5)

    True Love 真爱 True love comes naturally. 真爱是自然的到来 Do you have doubts about your partner?Are you not sure they're right for you? 你是不是对你的另一边还有疑虑?你是否还不确定他是不是你的真命天子? If...

  • 真爱-真爱是让你做真正的自己(4)

    True Love 真爱 True love allows you to be yourself. 真爱是让你做真正的自己 Being yourself in front of your partner can seem scary at first. 起初似乎有些怯于在喜欢的人面前做真正的自己。 Waking up without any make up...

  • 真爱-真爱不是为了满足需求(3)

    True Love 真爱 True love is not demanding. 真爱不是为了满足需求 Your partner should never ask you to change if you're truly loved. 要是真正爱你的人,他是不会要求你为他改变的。 And if you truly love your partner, you...

  • 真爱-寻找真爱的最好方式就是爱自己(2)

    True Love 真爱 Self love is the best way to find true love. 寻找真爱的最好方式就是爱自己 It sounds like a cliche, something your mom and girl friends told you every time you were crying over a broken heart,but it's true‒youmust love...

  • 真爱-真爱不是找到另一个自己(1)

    True Love 真爱 True love is not about finding yourself in another. 真爱不是找到另一个自己 Don't fall in love, or think you're inlove, just because you want to find yourself. 要是你想找的是另一个自己,就不要恋爱,也不要...

  • 给自己的肯定-最好的尚未来临(6)

    Positive Affirmations To Tell Yourself Every Day 每天都要给自己的肯定 The best is yet to come 最好的尚未来临 Now that is really inspirational to tell yourself daily. Believe that even if today was not like you wanted it to be,tomorro...

  • 给自己的肯定-我100%对自己的生活负责(5)

    Positive Affirmations ToTell Yourself Every Day 每天都要给自己的肯定 I accept 100% responsibility for my own life 我100%对自己的生活负责 Like the point about being in charge of your own happiness you need to take full responsibilit...

  • 给自己的肯定-我为我自己的幸福负责(4)

    Positive Affirmations ToTell Yourself Every Day 每天都要给自己的肯定 I am in charge of my own happiness 我为我自己的幸福负责 No one can come and turn you into a more positive and satisfied person. 没有人能把你变成一个更积...

  • 给自己的肯定-我爱我自己(3)

    Positive Affirmations ToTell Yourself Every Day 每天都要给自己的肯定 I love myself for who I am 我爱我自己 The next time you see yourself in the mirror, stop for a minute, look into your eyes and simply say I love you. 下次在照镜子...

  • 给自己的肯定-我相信我的梦想(1)

    Positive Affirmations ToTell Yourself Every Day 每天都要给自己的肯定 I believe in my dreams 我相信我的梦想 Believe in yourself and all that you are. 相信自己,相信你的一切。 Believe that everything and anything canbe possib...

  • 追逐梦想-你会遇到一些跟你一样也在追寻梦想的人(5)

    When You Start to Pursue Your Dreams 追逐梦想 You'll start meeting other people who chose to pursue their dreams, too. 你会遇到一些跟你一样也在追寻梦想的人。 There are lots of cool people out hereon the ragged edge. This is whe...

  • 有害健康的生活习惯-撒谎

    When You Start to Pursue Your Dreams 追逐梦想 You'll learn just how brilliant and resourceful you really are. 你会学着变得才华横溢,应变能力也会变得很强 And when you know that you can stand on your own two feet without any he...

  • 追逐梦想-你不能让所有人都喜欢你(3)

    When You Start to Pursue Your Dreams 追逐梦想 You will doubt your sanity. 你会怀疑你的理智 Yep. And so will most other people. Butthink about it: what has sanity has gotten them? What did sanity get you? 是的,大部分的人都会这样...

  • 追逐梦想-你就得战胜危险(2)

    When You Start to Pursue Your Dreams 追逐梦想 You'll be tempted to bail out for something more secure. And you'll get over it. 你想要保护某个东西,使其更安全。那么你就得战胜危险。 Job security is a myth. 工作是否稳定...

  • 和独处之人做朋友-你会感到害怕(1)

    When You Start to Pursue Your Dreams 追逐梦想 You'll step out of your comfort zone.Way out. 你得走出你的安乐窝,走出来 And then you'll find out that comfort isoverrated, anyway. 走出来,你会发现在安乐窝里的日子太舒适...
