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  • 他喜欢你-公开秀恩爱(2)

    He's into you. 他喜欢你。 He asks for your help. 寻求帮助。 Whether he wants your input on a blowout with his boss or asks you to tag along and help him pick out a birthday present for his mom, he's asking for your opinion because he respec...

  • 他喜欢你-吐露心声(1)

    He's into you. 他喜欢你。 He opens up. 吐露心声。 Emotional intimacy isn't easy for anyone, so if he's baring his soul to you, it's not because he likes hearing himself talk alright, not just because he likes hearing himself talk. 不是每个...

  • 模范女友-她会让你笑(4)

    A great girlfriend 模范女友 You Find Her Attractive 你认为她很迷人 This one's basic: a great girlfriend will be someone you find physically attractive. 这一条是最基本的,一个好的女朋友会让你觉得很迷人。 You're goin...

  • 模范女友-你们有共同的价值观(3)

    A great girlfriend 模范女友 She Shares Your Values 你们有共同的价值观 You and your girlfriend dont have to agree with each other on everything, but when it comes to your fundamentalbeliefs and values, you two should be aligned. These oft...

  • 模范女友-她会倾听你的困难(2)

    A great girlfriend 模范女友 She Listens To Your Problems 她会倾听你的困难 Make sure your girlfriend iscompassionate enough to hear your problems and, even if she cant always offerconcrete solutions, she should at least be providing a shou...

  • 模范女友-在你身边她会做好自己(1)

    A great girlfriend 模范女友 可可电台 She's Loyal To You 她对你坚贞不渝 This is a pretty fundamental requirement of anyone in a monogamous relationship. This goes beyond simply not cheating onyou or flirting. She should stick up for you...

  • 谈恋爱别嫉妒-记录让你感恩的事(3)

    谈恋爱别嫉妒 Keep a gratitude journal 记录让你感恩的事 Jealousy stems from an inherent belief of lack and scarcity, and a feeling of fear and threat. 嫉妒来源于缺少和稀有的固有观念,以及担心感和威胁感。 When we...

  • 谈恋爱别嫉妒-察觉并确认另一半的感觉(2)

    谈恋爱别嫉妒 Acknowledge and affirm your partner's feelings 察觉并确认另一半的感觉 To nip jealousy in the bud, first youhave to take ownership of your feelings and understand how your behavior impactsyour partner. 想要将嫉妒掐灭...

  • 谈恋爱别嫉妒-对自己好(1)

    谈恋爱别嫉妒 Treat Yo' Self 对自己好 When you're in a good place yourself - thriving in the workplace, living a harmonious home life, goodhealth, experiencing solid spirituality - your heart naturally expands,allowing you to let go of bitte...

  • 管理愤怒情绪-学习用合适的方式去发泄你的愤怒(3)

    管理愤怒情绪 Learn appropriate ways to express your anger. 学习用合适的方式去发泄你的愤怒。 An anger management program or atherapist can help you learn to defuse your rage. 一个愤怒管理项目或是一个理疗师可以帮助...

  • 管理愤怒情绪-要对你的愤怒负责(2)

    管理愤怒情绪 Take responsibility for youranger. Recognize that its your choicewhether or not to become angry. Once you accept responsibility for yourfeelings, thoughts and behaviors, youre less likely toreact explosively. 要对你的愤怒负责...

  • 管理愤怒情绪-承认并接受你的愤怒(1)

    管理愤怒情绪 Recognise and accept your anger. When you feel angry, be curious about your reaction. Ask yourself: 承认并接受你的愤怒。当你感觉很生气时,要对你的反应感到好奇。问问你自己: What does it do to you...

  • 一晚没睡好?-出去晒晒太阳(6)

    A Crappy Night's Sleep 一晚没睡好 Avoid your devices once it gets dark. 天黑之后远离电子设备。 Since grogginess can make you lessproductive, you might be tempted to work later than usual. 失眠会降低你的效率,你可能不得不...

  • 一晚没睡好?-出去晒晒太阳(5)

    A Crappy Night's Sleep 一晚没睡好 Go out in the sun. 出去晒晒太阳。 Bright light helps wake you up, says Cathy Goldstein, M.D., a neurologist at Michigan Medicine's Sleep Disorders Center. 睡眠障碍治疗中心的神经专家Cathy Gold...

  • 一晚没睡好?-试着别打盹(4)

    A Crappy Night's Sleep 一晚没睡好 Try not to nap. 试着别打盹。 Stay awake all day after a bad night,and you'll be able to fall asleep easierthe next time, Bancroft says. 没睡好之后的白天最好别打盹,这样你能在晚上更容易...
