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  • 抵制欺骗的诱惑-给一个支持自己的朋友打电话(2)

    How To Resist Temptation To Cheat 如何抵制欺骗的诱惑 Phone a supportive friend 给一个支持自己的朋友打电话 It's important to have someone on hand that you can trust. 有一个可以真正信任的人在身边,是很重要的事情...

  • 抵制欺骗的诱惑-彻底考虑清楚(1)

    How To Resist Temptation To Cheat 如何抵制欺骗的诱惑 Think it through thoroughly 彻底考虑清楚 When you find yourself in the situation of whether or not you're going to go down the cheating route, always take a moment to think it throug...

  • 每天小事-休息并恢复精神(7)

    Everyday routine 每天小事 Rest and refresh. 休息并恢复精神 My body signals me when it has had enough. When I fail to listen is when I crash and burn. Im learning to back off the gas a little more and to take the time to unwind, decompress,...

  • 每天小事-分享你的爱(6)

    Everyday routine 每天小事 Share your love 分享你的爱 Of the all the things I say or do, the way I love matters most. Love extends a piece of my kindness to someone, or something else. 在我说过或做过的事情中,爱的方式是最重要...

  • 每天小事-挑战自我(5)

    Everyday routine 每天小事 Challenge yourself. 挑战自我 Living in the familiar, inside your comfort zone, may feel safe but it doesn't provide the opportunity to stretch and grow. Challenge yourself to do one daring thing every day. 在自己熟...

  • 每天小事-和他人联系(4)

    Everyday routine 每天小事 Connect with someone. 和他人联系 Life is meant to be shared and the need to connect is an important one for me. While time for self-reflection is necessary, so is the time we share with other people. True connection...

  • 每天小事-做白日梦(3)

    Everyday routine 每天小事 Daydream. 做白日梦 Most of what I have today was once a dream. 我今天所做的大部分事情都曾经是梦。 When I was in college, thoughts of having a family and a place to call home were the usual themes. 当我...

  • 每天小事-回馈(2)

    Everyday routine 每天小事 Give back. 回馈 I am a lucky man. My family and I have everything we need and most of what we want. It is with a thankful heart that I accept the gifts provided. Every day my intent is to give back so I can express my...

  • 每天小事-早起(4)

    Everyday routine 每天小事 Wake up early 早起 Early in the morning I am free to start my day on my terms. By waking early, I can set the pace and create a mood that lasts the day. The quiet of my house has a soothing hum that vibrates against my...

  • 爱自己-抛开想要变得完美的想法(3)

    Love yourself 爱自己 Forget trying to be perfect. 抛开想要变得完美的想法 可可电台 Aiming to do a great job is admirable,but nothing can ever be perfect, as there will always be room for improvementin everything. 想要成就一番大事...

  • 爱自己-忘了总需要别人赞同的想法(2)

    Love yourself 爱自己 Forget always needing approval from others. 忘了总需要别人赞同的想法 The only person you should seek approval from is you. You might think that fulfilling the expectations of others will make you happy, but in a lo...

  • 爱自己-忘了想要要每个人都满意的想法(1)

    Love yourself 爱自己 Forget trying to make everybody like you. 忘了试着让你周围的人都喜欢你的想法 While it is nice having people to like you, it is not possible to be adored by everybody. By accepting the fact that each individual...

  • 真爱-热爱自己的生活(8)

    True Love 真爱 YOU are the love of your life. 热爱自己的生活 Don't forget that you need to love yourself. 不要忘记自己爱自己。 Self love is important, but it's not something you should achieve and then throw away once you're with y...

  • 真爱-真爱永恒(7)

    True Love 真爱 True love lasts. 真爱永恒 Think back to those casual relationshipswhere your significant other wiping his nose on your bath towel was enough toend it. Those relationships are immature, and whatever you thought you experienced was...

  • 真爱-想要收获爱,你必须得付出爱(6)

    True Love 真爱 To get love, you must give love. 想要收获爱,你必须得付出爱 You can't be in a loving relationship if you hold back. 在真爱面前,如果你退缩了就不能得到爱。 You can't use love as a bargaining chip. 你不能...
