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  • 工程师大拇指案 32实地调查(3) Oh, we shall soon clear up all that, said Bradstreet. 哦,我们不久就会把这一切搞清楚的。布雷兹特里特说。 Well, I have drawn my circle, and I only wish I knew at what point upon it the folk that we are in search of are to be f
  • 工程师大拇指案 33实地调查(4) But the twelve-mile drive? gasped Hatherley. 但是,那十二英里的路程呢?哈瑟利气喘吁吁地说。 Six out and six back. Nothing simpler. You say yourself that the horse was fresh and glossy when you got in. 去六英里,回来六英里
  • 工程师大拇指案 35一片火海(1) But the inspector was mistaken, for those criminals were not destined to fall into the hands of justice. 但是这位巡官错了,这些罪犯命中注定不会落入法网。 As we rolled into Eyford Station we saw a gigantic column of smoke 当我们
  • 工程师大拇指案 36一片火海(2) The road topped a low hill, and there was a great widespread whitewashed building in front of us, 这条路一直通到一座低矮的小山顶上,在我们面前出现了一座高大的白灰粉刷的建筑物, spouting fire at every chink and w
  • 工程师大拇指案 37一片火海(3) The firemen had been much perturbed at the strange arrangements which they had found within, 消防队员们发现房子里面的布置很奇怪,感到很伤脑筋, and still more so by discovering a newly severed human thumb upon a window-sill o
  • 单身贵族案 01贵族来信(1) The Noble Bachelor 单身贵族案 The Lord ST. SIMON marriage, and its curious termination, 圣西蒙勋爵的婚事及其奇怪的结局, have long ceased to be a subject of interest in those exalted circles in which the unfortunate bridegroom mo
  • 单身贵族案 02贵族来信(2) Here is a very fashionable epistle, I remarked as he entered. 在他进屋时,我说:这儿有一封非常时髦的书信。 Your morning letters, if I remember right, were from a fish-monger and a tide- waiter. 如果我没有记错的话,你早
  • 单身贵族案 03贵族来信(3) That is well. The letter which I hold in my hand is from Lord St. Simon. 那很好,我手中这封信就是圣西蒙勋爵写来的。 I will read it to you, and in return you must turn over these papers and let me have whatever bears upon the matt
  • 单身贵族案 04贵族来信(4) Then I have just time, with your assistance, to get clear upon the subject. 那么,有你的帮助,我还来得及把这件事弄明白。 Turn over those papers and arrange the extracts in their order of time, while I take a glance as to who our
  • 单身贵族案 05贵族来信(5) Here is the first notice which I can find. 这是我能找到的第一条消息。 It is in the personal column of the Morning Post, and dates, as you see, some weeks back: 登在《晨邮报》的起事栏里,日期是,你瞧,几周以前: A
  • 单身贵族案 06贵族来信(6) Anything else? asked Holmes, yawning. 还有什么别的吗?福尔摩斯打着呵欠问道。 Oh, yes; plenty. Then there is another note in the Morning Post to say that 噢,有,多着呢。《晨邮报》上还有另一条短讯说, the marr
  • 单身贵族案 07贵族来信(7) I warn you that they are very incomplete. 我可有言在先,这些材料是很不完整的。 Perhaps we may make them less so. 也许我们可以把它们凑起来。 Such as they are, they are set forth in a single article of a morning paper of
  • 单身贵族案 08贵族来信(8) The whole party proceeded afterwards to the house of Mr. Aloysius Doran, at Lancaster Gate, where breakfast had been prepared. 婚礼后,一行人即前往在兰开斯特盖特的阿洛伊修斯多兰先生寓所,寓所里早餐已经准备就绪。
  • 单身贵族案 09勋爵驾到(1) Lord Robert St. Simon, announced our page-boy, throwing open the door. 罗伯特圣西蒙勋爵到!我们的小僮仆推开房门报告说。 A gentleman entered, with a pleasant, cultured face, high-nosed and pale, with something perhaps of petula
  • 单身贵族案 10勋爵驾到(2) A most painful matter to me, as you can most readily imagine, Mr. Holmes. I have been cut to the quick. 你很容易就能想象到这是一件对我来说十分痛苦的事,福尔摩斯先生。真叫我痛心疾首。 I understand that you have a