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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>《福尔摩斯探案全集》中英双语有声读物>


  • 单身贵族案 11勋爵驾到(3) When did you first meet Miss Hatty Doran? In San Francisco, a year ago. 你第一次见到哈蒂多兰小姐是在什么时候?一年以前,在旧金山。 You were travelling in the States? Yes. 当时你正在美国旅行?是的。 Did you be
  • 单身贵族案 12勋爵驾到(4) Have you her photograph? I brought this with me. 你有她的照片吗? 我随身带着。 He opened a locket and showed us the full face of a very lovely woman. 他打开表链上的小金盒,让我们看一位非常漂亮的女人的整个面容。
  • 单身贵族案 13勋爵驾到(5) Oh, it is childish. She dropped her bouquet as we went towards the vestry. 唉,简直是孩子气。那是当我们去向教堂的法衣室的时候,她手里的花束掉落了。 She was passing the front pew at the time, and it fell over into t
  • 单身贵族案 14勋爵驾到(6) And who is her maid? 她的女佣人是什么人? Alice is her name. She is an American and came from California with her. 她名叫艾丽丝,是个美国人,从加利福尼亚和她一起来的。 A confidential servant? 一名心腹佣人?
  • 单身贵族案 15勋爵驾到(7) Lord St. Simon shrugged his shoulders and raised his eyebrows. 圣西蒙勋爵耸了耸肩,眉毛一扬。 We have been on a friendly footing for some years... I may say on a very friendly footing. 我们已有多年交情了,可以说是非常友好
  • 单身贵族案 16勋爵驾到(8) Did your wife hear all this? 你妻子听到了这一切了吗? No, thank goodness, she did not. 没有,谢天谢地,她没有听到。 And she was seen walking with this very woman afterwards? 后来,有人见到她正是和这个女人走在一
  • 单身贵族案 17勋爵驾到(9) In short, that she had become suddenly deranged? 简单地说,她突然精神错乱了? Well, really, when I consider that she has turned her back... 哦!真的,当我考虑到她抛弃了... I will not say upon me, but upon so much that many
  • 单身贵族案 18雷斯垂德的困扰(1) It is very good of Lord St. Simon to honour my head by putting it on a level with his own, said Sherlock Holmes, laughing. 承蒙圣西蒙勋爵将我的脑袋和他自己的脑袋相提并论,真是不胜荣幸之至。歇洛克福尔摩斯说着,
  • 单身贵族案 19雷斯垂德的困扰(2) What's up, then? asked Holmes with a twinkle in his eye. You look dissatisfied. 出了什么事啦?啊?福尔摩斯眨了眨眼睛问道,看你这样子似乎很不遂心。 And I feel dissatisfied. It is this infernal St. Simon marriage case. 我
  • 单身贵族案 20雷斯垂德的困扰(3) Lestrade shot an angry glance at my companion. 雷斯垂德气得瞪了我的同伴一眼。 I suppose you know all about it, he snarled. 你好像全知道,他咆哮着说。 Well, I have only just heard the facts, but my mind is made up. 唔,我刚
  • 单身贵族案 21雷斯垂德的困扰(4) By the same brilliant reasoning, every man's body is to be found in the neighbourhood of his wardrobe. 通过同样英明的推论,每个人的尸体,都应该在他的衣橱附近找到。 And pray what did you hope to arrive at through this? 请问
  • 单身贵族案 22雷斯垂德的困扰(5) Very good, Lestrade, said Holmes, laughing. You really are very fine indeed. Let me see it. 妙极了,雷斯垂德,福尔摩斯说着笑了起来,你真不简单,让我看一下。 He took up the paper in a listless way, 他不在意地拿起那
  • 单身贵族案 23雷斯垂德的困扰(6) Oct. 4th, rooms 8s., breakfast 2s. 6d., cocktail 1s., lunch 2s. 6d., glass sherry, 8d. I see nothing in that. '10月4日,房间8先令,早饭2先令6便士,鸡尾酒1先令,午饭2先令6便士,葡萄酒8便士。'我看不出这说明什么问
  • 单身贵族案 24真相大白(1) It was after five o'clock when Sherlock Holmes left me, but I had no time to be lonely, 歇洛克福尔摩斯离开我的时候是五点多钟,但是我根本没有感到寂寞, for within an hour there arrived a confectioner's man with a very la
  • 单身贵族案 25真相大白(2) It was indeed our visitor of the afternoon who came bustling in, 确实是我们上午来过的客人,他急急忙忙地走了进来, dangling his glasses more vigorously than ever, and with a very perturbed expression upon his aristocratic featu