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  • 福克斯新闻 优雅园追忆"猫王"拉斯维加斯寻梦之旅 On April 23rd-59 years to the day Elvis Presley first took the stage in Las Vegas, the Westgate Las Vegas casino-hotel will be hosting a permanent display of his memorabilia 4月23日-距猫王埃尔维斯普雷斯利第一次在拉斯维加斯拉斯维
  • 福克斯新闻 苹果发布Smartwatch Apple is billing its new watch as essentially being able to do a lot of what your iPhone can do. 苹果公布的这款新手表基本上能够像你的iPhone一样做很多事情。 Apple CEO Tim Cook says it can send and receive messages. 苹果公司
  • 福克斯新闻 你如何才能保护身处网络中的自己? For years Amy Krebs has been contesting thousands in debt run-up by somebody who stole her identity. 艾米克雷布斯多年来一直因为有人盗用她的身份而深陷数以千计的债务泥潭。 It has been the most frustrating ordeal I have
  • 福克斯新闻 美国两名大学生因演唱种族主义歌曲遭校方开除 Two students the OU administration says were in leadership roles regarding the singing of a racist chant by members of the local Sigma Alpha Epsilon chapter have been expelled. 俄克拉荷马州立大学校方称两名学生因在当地社团Sigma A
  • 福克斯新闻 社会媒体巨头采取措施打击ISIS恐怖组织 Twitter has already shut down about 2,000 accounts linked to ISIS supporters, but analysis from the Brookings Institution suggests as many as 46,000 active accounts. 推特账户已经关闭了与ISIS恐怖组织有关联的2000个支持者的账户,但
  • 福克斯新闻 共和党与民主党:谁更快乐? Capitol Hill, not exactly a warm and fuzzy place, but someone was curious enough to do a scientific study on who's in a better mood. 国会山绝对不是一个温暖舒适的地方,但这足以驱使好奇者们就谁保持着更好的心情进行一番
  • 福克斯新闻 考古学家发现古老的椒盐卷饼 The snacks are believed to date back to sometime between 1700 and 1800. 这种零食被认为可追溯到1700和1800年间。 They were unearthed during a dig on the banks of the River Danube in Regensburg, Germany at the site of an old bakery. 而德国
  • 福克斯新闻 传苹果公司就流媒体电视服务展开谈判 The Wall Street Journal reports: 据《华尔街日报》报道: Apple is in talks to offer a slimmed down service with about 25 channels, including ABC,CBS and FOX-owned networks on Apple devices and televisions hooked up through its set-top box. 苹果
  • 福克斯新闻 星巴克即将推出送货服务 Soon, you won't have to leave your desk to get your Starbucks-fix. 很快,你就不用离开办公桌去星巴克了。 It can come to you! 咖啡会过来找你! The Seattle-based coffee chain is introducing a delivery service later this year. 总部位
  • 福克斯新闻 拯救人质法案获得早期支持 There could be one person to coordinate efforts to free American hostages around the world. 有一个人可能会致力于协调解放全球的美国人质。 California Republican Congressman Duncan Hunter is pushing legislation creating a so-called
  • 福克斯新闻 缅因州小伙减掉500镑体重 手术需要帮助 Thomas Towle of Gardiner, Maine used to weigh more than 750 pounds. 缅因州嘉丁纳的托马斯陶尔过去的重量曾超过750磅。 But that's as high as their scales went. 但这远远超过他们的标准。 And a doctor said: 而且一位医生
  • 福克斯新闻 购买婴儿服装惨遭毒手 实施犯罪女子已被逮捕 The woman's been arrested for beating up another woman who was seven months pregnant and then cutting the baby from her stomach. 这名女子因殴打另一名怀有7个月身孕的女子并实施剖腹取子犯罪行为已被逮捕。 The victim was
  • 福克斯新闻 美国运通处境艰难 It was an 80's tagline so famous-even the Muppets got in on it 这是一句80年代流传至街头巷尾妇孺皆知的口号 The American Express card.Don't leave home without it! 美国运通卡。出门带上它! Now consumers are struggling to fi
  • 福克斯新闻 卡夫亨氏合并 食品业新巨头诞生 One word describes the feelings of HJ Heinz company today 一个词描述现如今对亨氏公司的感觉 Its from their longtime ketchup ad campaign. 那是家长期投放番茄酱广告的公司。 The condiment giant is adding Kraft Foods to its
  • 福克斯新闻 《唐顿庄园》第六季迎来大结局 Each episode this rather regal music welcomes us to Downton Abbey, but not for much longer. 《唐顿庄园》的每一集都会有这段相当皇家范儿的音乐迎接我们,但此情此景不会持续很久了。 The program's producers-Carnival