福克斯新闻 石油价格或迎来短暂回升 “春天”
You've been holding out for 1.99 gas, but 油价一直维持在1.99美元,但 We've seen the national average price of gas go up seven cents a gallon just in the past week. 刚刚过去一周我们经历过全国平均每加仑油价上涨7美分。
福克斯新闻 三星警告勿在自家智能电视前谈敏感信息 小心泄露
Samsung's Smart TVs might be a little too smart, when it comes to voice recognition. 当涉及语音识别功能时三星的智能电视可能有点过于智能。 Samsung's privacy policy warns that personal or other sensitive information spoken in
福克斯新闻 机器人劳工或将进行更大幅度降价
Ten years ago, if you wanted to buy a robot to do spot welding in your shop, you'd spend 182,000. 10年前,如果你想买个机器人在你的店里从事点焊工作,你要花182000美元。 That machine now costs almost 50,000 less, and a firm of
福克斯新闻 电影《五十度灰》呈现给学校孩子们引发质疑
Not Harry Potter, notHunger Gamessome 8th graders in Monessen, Pennsylvania were given word search puzzles in class based on the book and now movie Fifty Shades of Grey. 并非哈利波特,亦非饥饿游戏 宾夕法尼亚州莫聂森学校一些8年级
福克斯新闻 Facebook新政策出台 用户过世可指定遗赠联系人接管账号
Facebook giving some thought to posthumous posts, providing more options for people who want to decide what happens to their accounts after they die. Facebook的脑筋又动到了已故之人的账户上,对于那些想决定自己过世后账户如何
福克斯新闻 美国总统奥巴马签署退伍军人自杀预防法案
Just days after the House and Senate unanimously passed the Clay Hunt Suicide Prevention for American Veterans Act,the President-with veterans,lawmakers from both parties,and Clay Hunt's parents in attendance, signed the bill into law. 参众两院一致
福克斯新闻 阿拉斯加州通过大麻合法化法案
Alaska joins Washington State and Colorado in making pot legal. 继科罗拉多州与华盛顿州后,阿拉斯加州也加入到美国大麻合法化的行列。 It bans smoking in public, but doesn't define what that means, and lawmakers have left
福克斯新闻 迪斯尼主题乐园门票价格上涨
A one-day ticket to Disney World has broken through the 100 mark. 迪斯尼世界一日游的票价已突破100美元大关。 24-hours in the Magic Kingdom is now 105, up 6. 现在的魔幻王国24小时游览票价是105美元,提价6美元。 Ti
福克斯新闻 美国新建网络反恐部门CTIIC
A new plan and a new agency being unveiled today to combat the deepening threat from cyber attacks. 美国今天公布了一项新计划及新的机构用于应对深化的网络攻击威胁。 The Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center's missi
福克斯新闻 奥巴马总统否决输油管道法案
Just hours after receiving the GOP-backed legislation approving the Keystone XL pipeline, the President responded with a swift veto. 收到共和党支持的立法批准基石XL管道建设几小时后,总统迅速以否决回应。 Republicans and s
福克斯新闻 华盛顿引发啤酒相关法案争执
Some small craft brewers have gotten so popular and wealthy,they've hired lobbyists to get them a tax break. 一些小罐精酿啤酒现在正变得非常流行和健康,而且他们已雇佣说客帮助其减税。 But, the larger brewers are repres
福克斯新闻 大奥普里成为国家历史名胜
The Grand Ole Opry House in Nashville is not even as old as the famous weekly jamboree broadcast from there. 纳什维尔的大奥普里剧院甚至不像每周狂欢活动聚会直播那样闻名遐迩。 But, now the house is on the national regist
福克斯新闻 希拉里陷入"电邮门"涉违规 受到质疑抨击
Hillary Clinton used a private email address during her time at the State Department, instead of an official government address. 希拉里克林顿在国务院处理政务期间使用的是私人电邮,而非官方地址。 The private account was di
福克斯新闻 美国最大马戏团大象表演将于2018年谢幕
Elephants have always captured our attention at Ringling Bros.and Barnum amp; Bailey Circus, but they're ending elephant shows come 2018-after a 145 years. 玲玲马戏团的大象总能吸引我们的眼球,但是145年的演出生涯后它们的表演
福克斯新闻 国土安全部移民政策僵局结束
The battle was over using a Homeland Security budget bill to reverse Obama administration immigration policy. 国土安全预算法案推翻奥巴马政府的移民政策后这场战斗终于结束。 Representative Matt Salmon argued 代表马特萨尔