Scott's new map is a GPS for the ages. It navigates to Earth using pulsars both inside and outside the Milky Way, with a twist. 斯考特的新地图是能恒久使用的GPS。它运用银河系以内及以外的脉冲星导航至地球。 Instead of
Dad's map, of course, is still out there -- but chances are slim to zero that the Pioneers or Voyagers carrying it will be intercepted. Though all four spacecraft are on interstellar trajectories, space is big, and the next stellar systems on the hor
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If a theme runs through the books and articles I've written over the past 40 years, it's a fascination with what scientists have learned about the human body. A long career spent explaining biomedical research has led me to a deep respect for the sci
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Which was it, then? Surface transmission or aerosols? Should we be more afraid of contaminated elevator buttons or people breathing near us? Did scientists even know? 那么何者为真?是接触传播还是气溶胶传播?是受污染的电梯按钮
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Make no mistake: The challenge is huge and unprecedented. If a typical virus is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma, the coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-2 is all that and more. It combines contagiousness and lethality in a ferocious mixture
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Fauci's worst nightmare? I could barely get to sleep. 这只是福奇最糟的恶梦?我可是几乎无法入眠。 As this pandemic threatens the entire world, the fight against it has been a very public one. The average citizen is getting insight
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Science on the frontier always exposes how little is known, even by the putative experts, so these phone calls made it clear to me how far we have to go. Still, it was nice to hear that a lot of scientists were looking for answers. 尖端科学总会揭
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Sometimes science simply cannot be rushed, though. There is some sort of serendipity to the scientific enterprise, Gonsalves told me. The speed and scale of what is happening now could be just a prelude to the chance discoveries we're going to have t
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Last I called an old friend, Stephen Morse, a professor of epidemiology at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. Morse was the subject of a book I wrote nearly 30 years ago about emerging viruses, in which he basically predicted ou
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Second, the science itself might suffer. If researchers take shortcuts for the sake of expediency or jump too far ahead of their data to offer advice, they might unwittingly tarnish the very process they depend on. Indeed, not long after I spoke to M
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As new findings, even weak or conditional ones, are publicized that contradict earlier findings, those of us trying to follow along can end up frustrated and confused. But while frustration and confusion among the science-minded might be unfortunate,
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Snow's realization came years before the confirmation of germ theory, which explains the existence of pathogens. He didn't understand how cholera was transmitted in the water, simply that patterns of disease indicated it was. Learning about the step-
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Pew's surveys also reflect a deep racial divide in attitudes toward science. Black adults, according to the poll conducted earlier this year, are less likely than the general population to trust medical scientists. They are also less likely to have c
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Gen C gets through the new pandemic with relatively few deaths or economic disruptions because they learned some crucial lessons when they were children: that public health advice is based on the best available data, that such advice can change as ne
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Much depends on what happens in the coming months. 未来几个月将发生什么会是极其关键的。 Imagine, for the sake of argument, that the epidemiological curves I've obsessed over all year ultimately play out in our favor, and we can retu