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  • 经济学人151:新电影 回到过去 Pitched back into the past 新电影,回到过去 A new film about Jackie Robinson is a surprise hit 新版《杰基罗宾逊的故事》强势来袭 BRIAN HELGELAND'S latest film is steeped in nostalgia without ever being sentimental. Its title, 4
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  • 经济学人153:伊朗革命 等待真主 Iran's revolution 伊朗革命 Waiting for God 等待真主 Debunking the myths that sustained Ayatollah Khomeini's republic 揭示领袖霍梅尼共和国之谜 Revolutionary Iran: A History of the Islamic Republic. By Michael Axworthy. 《伊朗革命
  • 经济学人154:爱在潜逃路 惊悚小说也催泪 Love on the lam 爱在潜逃路 A rare thing: a deeply moving thriller 奇葩:惊悚小说也催泪 Schroder. By Amity Gaige. 《父亲的罪》作者艾米蒂盖奇 ERIC is the unlikeliest of characters to charm a reader. His life is a tabloid dra
  • 经济学人155:18世纪的窈窕淑女君子好逑 18th-century courtship 18世纪的窈窕淑女,君子好逑 An inept Pygmalion 笨手笨脚的皮格马利翁 A darkly amusing tale about the struggle to create the perfect wife 让人苦笑的故事:努力为自己打造一个完美妻子 How to
  • 经济学人156:美国和第二次世界战争 车间里的英雄 America and the second world war 美国和第二次世界战争 The workshop heroes 车间里的英雄 A tribute to the unsung workers 致敬无名工作者 MacArthur had help engineering victory 麦克阿瑟将军曾对工程师的胜利作过贡献
  • 经济学人157:哈罗德品特的《昔日》 Harold Pinter's Old Times 哈罗德品特的《昔日》 Ah yes, I remember it well 是的,我都记得 A mysterious play about the tricks of memory returns to London 关于记忆之隙的神秘戏剧重登伦敦舞台 She says tomato, I say nothin
  • 经济学人158:独居时代的崛起 The rise of solo living 独居时代的崛起 A room of one's own 属于一个人的房间 Going Solo: The Extraordinary Rise and Surprising Appeal of Living Alone. By Eric Klinenberg. 《走向单身:独身主义的崛起与诱惑》;艾瑞克克兰
  • 经济学人159:新晋日本小说 New Japanese fiction 新晋日本小说 Slightly off A haunting introduction to the work of an important Japanese author 伤感自难忘日本知名作家小川洋子作品的简略介绍 Revenge: Eleven Dark Tales. By Yoko Ogawa. 《复仇:十一个
  • 经济学人160:马内的肖像画 勇辟蹊径立异标新 The portraits of Edouard Manet 爱德华马内的肖像画 Bold and strange 勇辟蹊径,立异标新 He worked to imbue his paintings with life as no photograph could 马内画笔下的人物生动形象,照片难以匹敌 THREE portraits share
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  • 经济学人162:看似自传 畅所欲言 实则小说 New fiction 新小说 The self stripped 自我剖析 A novel masquerading as a tell-all memoir 看似自传,畅所欲言;实则小说 How Should a Person Be? By Sheila Heti. 《应该如何做人?》作者:希拉海蒂。 THE confessional tal
  • 经济学人163:重塑斯科普里 Revamping Skopje 重塑斯科普里 Stones of contention 竞争与炫示的雕塑 Macedonia writes a new story for its capital 马其顿首都的新篇章 Colouring the future 描画未来 IN 2010 a computer-generated video of plans for the Macedonia
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