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  • 经济学人136:前苏联的末途 行尸走肉 The end of the Soviet Union 前苏联的末途 Walking dead 行尸走肉 The cruelty of the last years of the Soviet Union 前苏联充满折磨的晚年 The Last Man in Russia: The Struggle to Save a Dying Nation.By Oliver Bullough. 《俄罗斯最后
  • 经济学人137:烹饪学徒 生活与烹饪的独特关系 Food 食物 The saucier's apprentices 烹饪学徒 Humanity's relationship with cookery is uniqueand shouldn't be lost By Michael Pollan. 生活与烹饪的独特关系不应被舍弃 Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation. 烹饪,转变的自然
  • 经济学人138:谈独特玩笑 Telling jokes 谈独特玩笑 Have you heard the one 你有没有听过 Groucho Marx liked a good one Groucho Marx喜欢听精彩的 No Joke: Making Jewish Humour.By Ruth Wisse. 不许说笑:犹太式的玩笑 THIS sharp and thoughtful study presen
  • 经济学人139:美国和南亚 坏到底的三角关系 America and South Asia 美国和南亚 Infernal triangle 坏到底的三角关系 A history of America's tangled dealings with India and Pakistan 美国应付印巴关系乱如麻的历史 A friendly wave from Mr Sharif 谢里夫挥舞着手臂以示友
  • 经济学人140:淘金热 一本关于我们囊中物的优秀指南 How money works 钱是如何运作的 Gold rush 淘金热 A good guide to the stuff in our pockets 一本关于我们囊中物的优秀指南 Money: The Unauthorised Biography. By Felix Martin. 《金钱:非授权自传》。作者:Felix Martin。
  • 经济学人141:早期的热气球 转变的观点 Early ballooning 早期的热气球 Shifting perspectives 转变的观点 Two rich tales about men, machines 两个有关男人、机械的精彩故事 Falling Upwards: How We Took to the Air.By Richard Holmes. 《向上降落》:我们是如何升空
  • 经济学人142:英国政治 一本记录撒切尔夫人传奇人生的传记 British politics 英国政治 She came, she saw, she conquered 她来过,领略过,征服过 A great biography of an extraordinary life 一本记录撒切尔夫人传奇人生的传记 Margaret ThatcherThe Authorised Biography, Volume I: From Gra
  • 经济学人143:新小说 胖子是个大问题 New fiction 新小说 Fatty issue 胖子是个大问题 A thoughtful new work by an American original. 具有独创精神的美国作家带来富有创见的新作 Big Brother 《老大哥》 LIONEL SHRIVER knows the drawbacks of using her own family
  • 经济学人144:Gallagher之魂 源于神话的艺术 Gallagher's ghosts Gallagher之魂 Art inspired by myth and stories 源于神话的艺术 ELLEN GALLAGHER was born in 1965 in Rhode Island, the daughter of an African-American father with ties to Cape Verde in West Africa and an American-Irish mother
  • 经济学人145:阁楼下的生活 仆人的自述 Domestics in Britain 英国佣人 Life below stairs 阁楼下的生活 Servantsin their own words 仆人的自述 WINSTON CHURCHILL'S valet always said the great man could not dress himself: He sat there like a dummy and you dressed him. Whether anyo
  • 经济学人146:美国和二战 特殊的关系 America and the second world war 美国和二战 That special relationship 那种特殊的关系 Those Angry Days: Roosevelt, Lindbergh, and America's Fight Over World War II, 1939-1941. By Lynne Olson. 书名:《那些愤怒的日子:罗斯福、林
  • 经济学人147:塞勒斯圆筒 外交漩涡 The Cyrus cylinder 塞勒斯圆筒 Diplomatic whirl 外交漩涡 A show that tests the limits of cultural politics 一场巡展,一次文化政治学极限的考验 CYRUS THE GREAT, king of Persia and conqueror of Babylon in the sixth century BC, h
  • 经济学人148:美国的蝴蝶 所有事都值得惊奇 Butterflies in America 美国的蝴蝶 To marvel at all things 所有事都值得惊奇 A splendid twinning of natural science and America 自然科学与美利坚民族的完美结合 Butterfly People: An American Encounter with the Beauty of the Wo
  • 经济学人149:苏联旧事 斯大林和他可憎的事业 Soviet history 苏联旧事 Stalin and his cursed cause 斯大林和他可憎的事业 High five for communism 为共产主义击掌 Stalin's Curse: Battling for Communism in War and Cold War. By Robert Gellately. 《斯大林的诅咒》:热冷战期
  • 经济学人150:美国的蝴蝶 所有事都值得惊奇 Butterflies in America 美国的蝴蝶 To marvel at all things 所有事都值得惊奇 A splendid twinning of natural science and America 自然科学与美利坚民族的完美结合 Butterfly People: An American Encounter with the Beauty of the Wo